Despite Increased On-Time Flight Arrivals, Customer Complaints Persist – MaybeMoney

Despite Increased On-Time Flight Arrivals, Customer Complaints Persist

Despite Increased On-Time Flight Arrivals, Customer Complaints Persist

Statistics reveal a rise in punctuality rates for airline flights. However, a parallel increase in customer complaints has also been observed. The U.S. Department of Transportation disclosed on Thursday that the main carriers in the country reported punctuality rates of 80.3% in August, marginally topping July’s 78.1% and the 77.7% reported in August of the previous year.

Delta Air Lines topped the on-time arrival chart with an impressive 85.5% punctuality rate, closely pursued by Alaska Airlines at 82.9%. While complaints typically dealt with flight delays, issues revolving around luggage or ticketing, customer support quality, and pricing weren’t uncommon.

In August, two domestic flights exceeded the three-hour tarmac delay limit, potentially breaching federal regulations. The delayed flights included a Delta flight in Orlando, Florida, and a PSA Airlines (operating as US Airways Express) flight in Charlotte, North Carolina.

For more insights, visit CBS Money Watch.

Photograph attributed to: Holgi.