Discover 5 New Websites for Significant Savings – MaybeMoney

Discover 5 New Websites for Significant Savings

Discover 5 New Websites for Significant Savings

The Internet is a fantastic resource which can be utilized for almost every task. Need employment? Consider websites like Monster or CareerBuilder to browse through local job vacancies. Have old furniture to sell? Just put an ad on Craigslist or Facebook. Looking for love? Yeah, there’s a site for that too.

In the same vein, online shopping is an excellent method for saving money on goods and services. It provides a streamlined and convenient method to stumble upon great deals. There is a wealth of new online facilities created to help you track price reductions, monitor costs, and make intelligent purchases. Take a look at these five innovative websites designed to save you a considerable amount of money with minimal effort.

1. Shopping Enhancer
Although the Internet provides countless price-comparison tools, searching for the best deal can consume a lot of time. Google Shopping is a competent tool that helps you stumble on the best prices but with a noticeable flaw: it doesn’t incorporate Amazon. Still fresh and under testing, Shopping Enhancer is a browser extension that uncovers Amazon products and incorporates them into your Google Shopping search. The tool is currently accessible to Safari and Mozilla Firefox users.

2. Inkjet Willy
Shopping should ideally be a fun experience, but there are several products that no one enjoys purchasing. For instance, the price of ink cartridges often seems to surpass the printer itself, making it an extremely exasperating purchase. offers a solution, paving the way for shoppers to defend themselves against the highly inflated prices of ink. By simply entering your printer and model, you can find the most affordable ink for your printer in just a few clicks.

3. Get Going
With increasing costs, flexibility with travel dates and destinations is one of the only ways to save money on holidays. If you are an impulsive traveler, let organize your upcoming vacation. Choose two destinations, preferred flight dates and times to get a quote. If you are comfortable with the costs and book the trip, GetGoing will dispatch the detailed itinerary of the selected destination to you.

4. Harry’s
The brains behind Warby Parker are back, this time targeting razors. Ticketed under often disliked products, Harry’s offers two styles of razors with replacement heads available for $2 or less. Their razors are equipped with five-blade flexible heads with ergonomically designed handles, available in four modern colors. Ultimately, Harry’s makes buying razors much more pleasant.

5. Greentoe
Desiring the latest gadget but not keen to pay the full price? A new tool,, is here to help you obtain the deal you want on the product you desire. This website enters the name-your-price territory by allowing users to set their own price for electronics. The website then presents your offer to several e-retailers and notifies you when your offer is accepted. Prices include taxes and shipping, plus there’s a 14-day return policy if things don’t work out as you wanted.