Discovering the Top Bargains at Yard Sales: A Guide – MaybeMoney

Discovering the Top Bargains at Yard Sales: A Guide

Discovering the Top Bargains at Yard Sales: A Guide

Browsing through items at yard sales can save you a lot of money and you may even stumble upon some fantastic finds. You’ll often find that prices at yard sales are more affordable than those on eBay or at thrift stores. However, the likelihood of stumbling upon a spectacular garage sale stands at a ratio of about 5:1. This means that for every five mediocre garage sales, you may discover one treasure trove. Here are some helpful tips to boost your yard sale shopping experience.


While it’s been my experience that an unplanned stroll around my neighbourhood can occasionally lead to a successful garage sale find (especially as my neighbourhood is bustling and situated conveniently close to several schools and a shopping center), it is undeniably beneficial to plan your route a day ahead. By doing this, pinpointing the garage sales with the items on your wishlist becomes simple. If you’re on the hunt for children’s clothing or baby gear, for instance, you wouldn’t waste time at sales focusing on antiques or tools. Checking the listed items on a garage sale via Craigslist beforehand can be advantageous.

Additionally, it’s a smart move to make note of the addresses of the Craigslist-listed sales you’re interested in. Navigating yard sales can be tricky as the signposting often confuses, but a GPS can help you find your way.


The adage, “The early bird catches the worm,” rings true for yard sales. If you start your day early, say, around 6AM, it gives you enough time to withdraw cash from the ATM, grab a morning coffee and arrive at the earliest sales exactly on time.


If the opportunity arises to purchase your desired items in quantity at a garage sale, seize it, for this could potentially lead to an even better deal. For example, I inquire about the price per item if I see a heap of clothes or books that catch my interest. If the price is appealing, I then negotiate, “Would you consider a special deal if I purchase in large quantities?” More often than not, the reply is affirmative.


To enhance your chances of unearthing an extraordinarily worthwhile garage sale, search for the following phrases on Craigslist: “multi-family,” “fundraiser sale,” “block sale,” “moving sale,” and “church or school sale.” The idea is to locate the most extensive yard sale possible. Charity sales, for example, which are typically held in a school or church parking lot, tend to feature lower prices since the items are donated.

Even with these strategies, you might come across some dull sales. My pet peeve is when a sale is described as “large” but only features a handful of items. It’s best to keep a checklist of items you’re after and continue visiting sales every weekend. Aim to go between 6-9 a.m. to make the most of your time and effort.

What’s your best find from a yard sale? Do you like garage and yard sale shopping? If so, why, or why not? Share your experiences and tips.