eBay is Now Offering Paid Maternity Leave – MaybeMoney

eBay is Now Offering Paid Maternity Leave

eBay is Now Offering Paid Maternity Leave

eBay has recently enhanced its maternity leave policy, now allowing new mothers a six-month paid leave. The announcement made on Friday stipulates that following childbirth, the new mothers will be entitled to 24 weeks of fully paid leave, a significant improvement from the previous 10 weeks at 80% pay. Furthermore, for the first time, new fathers are not left behind. They are entitled to 12 weeks of fully paid leave. eBay also introduced a Family Care Leave policy, granting employees 12 weeks of paid leave to look after a seriously ill family member. Despite there being no legal requirement for paid parental leave in the U.S., eBay joins the 12% of private sector companies that provide this benefit, as per the Labor Department. More details can be found on CNN Money.
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