Economical Activities for Toddlers: Suggestions for Two-Year-Olds – MaybeMoney

Economical Activities for Toddlers: Suggestions for Two-Year-Olds

Economical Activities for Toddlers: Suggestions for Two-Year-Olds

Earlier this week, we discussed budget-friendly activities for one-year-old toddlers. Today, let’s turn our attention to those fun-loving two-year-olds. Amidst our tech-filled age, it’s become a rarity to find a two-year-old who isn’t engrossed in a smartphone or tablet. Regardless of whether you’ve handed over your own device (zero judgement from me! We’ve all been there), here’s a selection of four toddler activities aimed at not only entertaining your active little one, but also fostering key developmental skills.

Now that your toddler has experienced an Easter (or two), they’re probably quite taken with those enchanting little eggs filled with sweets. There’s no reason to wait till next Easter before bringing out those eggs again. If you didn’t keep your stash, you could probably find some with big discounts at crafting or grocery stores.

Using these leftover Easter eggs, one idea could be to hide them around the house for a mini treasure hunt, each egg containing either a small sweet or non-edible treats such as stickers, pennies, or beads. Alternatively, you could create a colour matching game with the eggs and an old egg carton by colouring the individual cups.

Chalk has been a runaway success in my household and now I’m eager to try Mommy’s Kitchen’s recipe for sidewalk chalk paint. If you have cornstarch and food colouring at home, this is a cost-free activity. Affordable foam brushes can be purchased from your local craft store, or you could use a squirt bottle to apply the sidewalk chalk paint.

While it’s true gift in crafting is not bestowed on all parents (myself included!), it doesn’t mean we should steer clear of it completely. In fact, the most cost-effective entertainment can come from the simplest crafts. You could engage your toddler with activities such as allowing them to cut out pictures from old magazines to paste on paper or enabling them to thread fruit loops or beads onto a string. Basic craft items can be found at craft stores or dollar stores, and are generally quite affordable.

Even when crafting might seem daunting or messy, remember, it’s about the joy it brings to your little one. Whether it’s painting inexpensive mini birdhouses from Michael’s Craft Store, or simply snipping paper with child-safe scissors, your toddler is sure to relish these activities.

As the mercury rises, so too can tempers. To cool things down a bit, my sweet girl loves an unexpected daytime bath replete with extra bubbles, food colouring and perhaps even a popsicle. If you’re up for it, try creating your homemade bath paint using this easy recipe. It’s a win-win situation – your little one cools off, you get a breather, the popsicle mess is easily rinsed away, and it wraps up with a clean and happy toddler!