Economizing on Baby Shower Presents – MaybeMoney

Economizing on Baby Shower Presents

Economizing on Baby Shower Presents

It’s quite interesting. Despite media reports of declining birth rates or couples choosing not to have kids, I find myself invited to yet another baby shower in July. This would be my eighth in less than a year. For those attending baby showers, here are my practical tips to save money on gifts that will truly be appreciated rather than left gathering dust or ending up as duplicates.

Pair Sales with Coupons: I didn’t anticipate attending eight baby showers in a single year, but I knew a few were around the corner. Armed with that foresight, I prepared in advance. I targeted sales events at Kohl’s, combining their 30% discount with $10 off on $30 kids apparel. During winter, it was easy to find discounted summer baby clothes on clearance. Considering that new parents usually get an abundance of newborn clothes, I focused on shopping for bigger sizes, around 9-12 months. Apart from clothes, I utilized coupons on baby essentials, like Aveeno Baby lotions, often finding great deals on By using a mix of Target gift cards, manufacturer’s coupons, Cartwheel, and Target coupons, I managed to get these lotions for roughly $1.50 each. Similar strategies landed me great deals on crib sheets too. If you know there’s a baby shower ahead, keep an eye out for similar deals and stock up while prices are low.

Consider Facebook Marketplace: Though I haven’t tried this for a gift specifically, it does seem like a promising avenue to explore. I am part of several local baby and children’s item selling groups on Facebook. This platform enables me to sell items I no longer need, as well as buy used items at a fraction of the cost. Often, new moms list brand new baby items that are surplus to their needs at discounted prices. If you’re a member of such groups, post an ISO (In Search Of) for NWT (New With Tags) baby items and keep checking for updates.

Look at Bonds: This seems to be an overlooked yet practical gift idea. True, bonds don’t come adorned with ribbons or ruffles, but they’re a pragmatic gift that appreciates over time. A $25 bond today could be worth $50 or more when the child is older.

All new moms will vouch for the fact that baby showers often lead to an influx of often unnecessary or duplicated gifts. The number of baby showers you’re invited to shouldn’t lead to financial stress. In fact, it is often smarter to give small, practical gifts rather than splurge on something that may never see the light of day.