Employees Dismissed Following Disease Epidemic – MaybeMoney

Employees Dismissed Following Disease Epidemic

Employees Dismissed Following Disease Epidemic

The recent listeria outbreak at the ice cream manufacturer, Blue Bell, will result in the layoff of nearly a third of the company’s workforce. The ongoing closure of the firm’s production facilities means around 750 full-time and 700 part-time employees are set to lose their jobs – equating to approximately 37 percent of the company’s 3,900 staff.

In addition, almost 1,400 employees will be placed on furlough, though they will still receive a significant proportion of their current wages. Blue Bell has decided to retain workers essential to the cleanup and repair operations, but their pay will be reduced.

The company’s production facilities in Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama have remained closed since an extensive recall was issued in April, following the testing of more products for listeria. Blue Bell’s ice cream has been associated with 10 listeria sickness cases across four states, which tragically includes three fatalities in Kansas.

More details can be found on CBS MONEY WATCH.
Photo credit: Gerda