Employees Seek Increased Flexibility – MaybeMoney

Employees Seek Increased Flexibility

Employees Seek Increased Flexibility

Employees greatly value flexibility in their workplaces as it contributes significantly to their satisfaction. This was a finding in a recent survey conducted among 9,700 full-time employees spread across eight of the largest economies globally: The United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, India, China, and Japan. The respondents indicated that job flexibility was a major priority for them, coming second only to competitive pay and benefits. As a matter of fact, a lack of flexibility was listed as one of the top reasons they might leave a job.

Interestingly, the survey also revealed that one in three employees worldwide perceive managing work-life balance to be increasingly challenging in recent years. Of these, individuals based in Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom were most likely to resonate with this sentiment, with 49%, 44%, and 37% respectively highlighting this issue.

For more details, you can check on the CNN Money website. Also, see the accompanying photo, courtesy of Andrew Sorensen.