Ever Dreamed of a Four-Day Work Week? These Companies Make It a Reality – MaybeMoney

Ever Dreamed of a Four-Day Work Week? These Companies Make It a Reality

Ever Dreamed of a Four-Day Work Week? These Companies Make It a Reality

Have you ever yearned for a work week limited to just four days? (Trust me, you’re not alone!) There are indeed places that offer four-day work weeks.
According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 43% of organizations present a four-day, or compressed, workweek as an option for some of their staff members. However, a mere 10% extend this privilege to the majority or the entirety of their personnel.
Typically, it’s the smaller companies, about 14% to be precise, that offer the majority of their workforce this perk, whereas only 5% of large firms do the same.
While four-day workweeks are nothing revolutionary – they’ve been prevalent among professions like nursing or emergency medical care – they have yet to become the standard for most occupations.
However, as more employers seek to diversify the flexibility they offer in their workplaces, this format is gaining traction.
The interesting part? It doesn’t solely benefit the employees.
To learn more about how a four-day working week could provide advantages for both employees and employers, check out CNN Money.
Image courtesy of: Pixabay