Five Strategies for Weight Loss and Financial Savings – MaybeMoney

Five Strategies for Weight Loss and Financial Savings

Five Strategies for Weight Loss and Financial Savings

Shedding pounds doesn’t have to deplete your wallet. BusinessWeek informs us that customers spend about $40 billion annually on weight loss products and regimens. Fees for gym memberships, activewear, online accountability networks, and costly home-delivered diet meals can quickly accumulate. Isn’t there a way to slim down without breaking the bank?
We must eliminate unnecessary spending. If you’re genuinely committed to weight loss, it’s time to ditch the fads and return to the basics.
Here are five easy-to-follow guidelines that can help you lose weight while keeping your wallet full:
1. Opt for Simple Home-Cooked Meals
Avoid the expensive, sodium-packed single-serving meals. Planning and preparing meals in advance will not only contribute to your weight loss but will also save you money and improve your health. For about $20, you can prepare several meals from affordable basics such as black beans, brown rice, chicken breast, non-fat sour cream, and reduced-fat cheddar. Shunning pricey and overprocessed foods is key.
2. Limit Dining Out
Losing weight becomes challenging when dining out frequently. Even the so-called “healthy” options at many restaurants often contain high sodium levels, which cause water retention. Restrict restaurant meals to once a week to streamline your weight loss and save money.
3. Substitute Expensive Gym Memberships
Consumers regularly pay monthly fees to gym facilities, using only a fraction of the available resources. Why not build your personal workout DVD collection? Other alternatives include outdoor running, joining a sports team, or hiking. There are countless ways to stay fit without spending hundreds on gym subscriptions yearly.
4. Pack your Lunch
The golden rule of weight loss is preparing your own meals. Avoid joining colleagues for lunch-outs. By preparing your lunch, you can monitor your calorie intake, know the ingredients in your food, plan healthier meals, and pack nutritious snacks. Say farewell to afternoon lattes!
5. Create a Meal Plan
Planning all weekly meals in advance saves you multiple trips to the grocery store and the related spontaneous purchases. Plus, you won’t have to stress about deciding on last-minute dinner options. Base your meal plans on supermarket sales, healthful staples, and easy-to-cook foods.

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