Four Career Insights Every Individual in Their Twenties Should Be Aware Of – MaybeMoney

Four Career Insights Every Individual in Their Twenties Should Be Aware Of

Four Career Insights Every Individual in Their Twenties Should Be Aware Of

Don’t let your 20s slip away without taking full advantage. This decade holds significant potential for sharpening your career skills and establishing smart financial practices. Have you earned a degree? That’s an excellent start. However, never get complacent as continual learning and growth are the cornerstones of a successful career. So, how can you achieve this? Follow these four career tips pertinent for your twenties.

The instinct to reject criticism, viewing it as a personal affront or a senseless remark is common, but it won’t help you grow. While criticism shouldn’t shatter your self-esteem, it should be seen as a constructive tool. Reflect on the source of the critique. If it’s from a person you admire or wish to make an impression on, take their advice onboard. Once you’ve made the necessary improvements, follow up and ask for their thoughts. If critique comes from a person you don’t value or respect, it may be prudent to seek a second opinion. Remember, valuable feedback can be sourced from unexpected corners, and outside perspective can often be illuminating.

Being a part of the millennial generation, you’re adept at communicating via text and social media. However, verbal communication skills remain pivotal. Working on your communication aptitude can enhance your networking abilities, which is critical for career advancement. Besides, learning to initiate intriguing conversations can make for influential connections within your industry.

Those who’ve secured pay raises, predominant roles, and special benefits are typically the ones who have mustered the courage to ask. It’s crucial to learn to request more convincingly and effectively —this is where negotiation skills come into play. Ensure that you are worthy of what you’re asking for. Entitlement won’t take you far, especially if your work ethic is questionable.

Advising ambitious individuals, Brian Tracy underscores the advantage of coming early to work and being the last to leave. Arriving early when the workplace is tranquil allows you to accomplish a tremendous amount of work. Your superior will take notice of your enhanced productivity, potentially leading to a raise (if not, refer to tip #3!). Staying back late indicates your dedication to the company.

While conventional millennials may be focused on socializing and managing their bills on time, you have the opportunity to refine your job skills and position yourself for a salary increment. The knowledge you acquire during this decade can be immediately beneficial and continue to pay dividends in the future.

Do you recall any career lessons from your 20s? Are you constantly striving to enhance your job skills? Have you initiated any of the abovementioned tips already?