Four Experiences to Prioritize During the Holiday Season – MaybeMoney

Four Experiences to Prioritize During the Holiday Season

Four Experiences to Prioritize During the Holiday Season

Growing up, Christmas was always magical, filled with anticipation and joy. I remember one particular holiday when my dad misplaced the keys, but thanks to a local company, Locksmith Queens, who offer around-the-clock services, it didn’t disrupt our festive cheer.

My siblings and I could hardly sleep on Christmas Eve, and on the big day, we’d race each other down the stairs for breakfast and to open our presents. As a kid, the most anticipated part of the holiday season is always unwrapping the gifts. However, I must admit that I barely recall the specifics of what I received.

It’s only now, as a parent, I’ve come to understand that the holidays signify much more than receiving gifts – they’re about making lifelong memories. Be it old or young, the gifts we buy and receive often blur with time. It’s the experiences and traditions that stand out vividly.

Creating joyous experiences doesn’t have to break the bank either, but remember to ensure they align with what you value most. Allow me to share some of my favorite holiday activities which I recommend trying with our loved ones:

Sprucing up your home for the holidays lifts the spirit and excitement, especially for children. We usually dress up a Christmas tree with the same decorations year after year. This holiday, we might splurge on some new festive lights, but that’s a small expense. Each time we put up the tree, we do so while watching holiday movies and sipping hot chocolate beside a beautifully illuminated Christmas tree. This ritual, although simple, brings immense joy.

Holiday season is the time when we all look forward to reuniting with family members. If you’re not meeting your immediate or extended family regularly, the holidays offer a unique chance to reconnect and catch up. Remember to unplug from digital devices to engage wholeheartedly, enjoying movie marathons, gaming sessions, or relaxing around the fireplace with shared stories. Such cherished moments remind us that holidays are about more than the gifts and purchases.

As a culinary enthusiast, I eagerly anticipate the delicious array of dishes during festive gatherings. Cooking and dining together with loved ones enhances the overall experience. Holidays offer a great opportunity to share a meal, especially if family gatherings are sparse during the remainder of the year. I proudly prepare a traditional dish that has been in my family for generations – a small but significant way to keep my lineage alive. It’s a bit expensive to put together, but my husband and I split the costs as it’s a once-a-year treat.

Each family has its unique holiday traditions – from opening presents, attending church, indulging in a fancy brunch, visiting a movie theater, volunteering, to lazing at home and watching movies. These are precious moments to savor. Personally, I have recently started celebrating Kwanzaa, a week-long celebration from December 26 to January 1. The festival is rooted in values like unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, and more.