Four Productive Winter Home Improvement Projects to Undertake – MaybeMoney

Four Productive Winter Home Improvement Projects to Undertake

Four Productive Winter Home Improvement Projects to Undertake

During the colder months, our inclination is often to stay cozy indoors rather than tackling those on-hold home improvement tasks. But winter presents the perfect opportunity to complete smaller tasks that are frequently overlooked. Besides, these repairs and improvements can save you a substantial amount of money. So why not interrupt your winter nesting and get to work on some effective home improvement projects?

Winter’s chill can elucidate the inefficiencies of your doors and windows. It’s an ideal time to locate and rectify cold air leaks around your home. Replacing the weather stripping is not a demanding task, although time-consuming. It can be particularly challenging if you are unaware of the original manufacturer of your windows and doors. For a step-by-step guide, find a comprehensive tutorial explaining how to choose and replace weather stripping. The images and instructions for different weather stripping types are extremely beneficial, even if you’ve done the task before and just need a refresher.
While you’re working on the weather stripping, consider replacing the door sweep if necessary. It’s typically quite an easy switch. The sweeps usually come with pre-drilled holes, indicating where to attach it at your door’s bottom. Just ensure that the seal is sturdy before you secure it permanently.
Generally speaking, weather stripping and door sweeps are cost-effective means of saving money in the long run. Depending on where you reside and the type of weather stripping you select, weather stripping for one door can cost less than $20, and a door sweep can cost less than $10. These minor improvements can help you save significantly on your monthly energy bill.

Often overlooked yet truly effective home improvement projects involve insulating your water heater and pipes. If your water heater is located in the garage or under your house, you definitely need to inspect it. On average, a water heater blanket costs less than $30, and can save you a tidy sum! Keeping the water warmer in the water heater speeds up heating time, leading to lower energy consumption, therefore saving money.
It’s unnecessary to insulate all your pipes. Focus on the exterior pipes or those far from the water heater, because they require more time to heat up. The more time it takes for hot water to flow through the pipes, the more water is wasted, and the higher your water bills.

A routine check for air filters every 1-2 months is advisable. Frequent replacement would make your HVAC system operate more efficiently, saving you on utilities. Depending on your chosen filter type and its location, this common problem can easily be resolved.
Importantly, close the air vents in rarely used rooms to make your HVAC system more efficient. Direct warm air towards needed spaces, instead of wasting it on unoccupied ones.
Regular maintenance of appliances like the refrigerator and dryer is another frequently neglected aspect of home improvement. Regular cleaning of condenser coils in the refrigerator prevents them from overworking, maintaining the coolness of food effectively and extending the device’s lifespan. A similar principle applies to your dryer; cleaning the vent yearly improves its efficiency and extends the lifespan.
To sum it up, winter is an ideal time to tackle these unattended home improvements that save you money. While many of these tasks require little to no cost to complete, the long-term savings are worth the effort. So before you go back to nesting this winter, make sure to check your:
– Weather stripping and door sweeps
– Water heater and pipes
– Air filters and vents
– Refrigerator and dryer
Once these areas are addressed, you can hibernate in a warmer house, knowing you’ve saved some money in the process. What home improvement tasks do you plan to undertake this winter?