Guidelines for Selecting a Real Estate Agent – MaybeMoney

Guidelines for Selecting a Real Estate Agent

Guidelines for Selecting a Real Estate Agent

For the past year, my spouse and I have been diligently stashing away money for a house down payment. Like many young couples eager to own their own home, we spend our weekends visiting open houses to get a feel for the market. It’s a bittersweet experience—you get to explore options, but can’t make a purchase just yet, much like craving for bakery goodies while on a diet.

We initially turned to our credit union for guidance and were assigned to a realtor who was linked with the bank. In hindsight, this should have raised a red flag about the suitability of this realtor for us. Yet, we were overjoyed at gaining access to the MLS listings and thus overlooked this potential issue. It was only when we found a house within our budget and met the realtor in person during our first open house tour that the problem became apparent. The realtor came off as standoffish and intimidating. In her presence, we found ourselves feeling highly uncomfortable, leaving us wondering about the decision we had made.

Here are some strategies we learned along the way about selecting a realtor you can place your faith in:

If you have trustworthy friends or if they’ve recently navigated through the home-buying or selling process, ask if they have any recommendations. Bear in mind, though, that mixing friendship with business can be delicate. So, even if you find that you don’t particularly like the realtor your friend suggested, do not let that strain your personal relationship.

Thanks to the internet, you can easily gather a wealth of reviews to understand which realtor might be a good fit for you. Whether you prioritize expertise over compatibility, or vice versa, is your call, but remember you often get what you pay for. Get some additional insight from The Pro Team – Keller Williams Realty.

Consider setting up meetings with several different realtors. This will not only give you a sense of what you’re seeking but also help you find someone you genuinely connect with.

We happened upon our realtor during one of our open house tours. Despite not buying that house, we took an instant liking to the realtor. His straightforward, approachable manner appealed to us, and we decided to hire him based on his warm personality and credibility. He has since become an invaluable resource in our home-buying journey.