Hacker Alters 10,000 WiFi Passkeys – MaybeMoney

Hacker Alters 10,000 WiFi Passkeys

Hacker Alters 10,000 WiFi Passkeys

Recently, a hacker has been making a positive impact rather than causing harm. If your home WiFi still uses the default password, this individual compels you to change it. If any communication channels remain unprotected, you are urged to secure them. Despite being technically illegal, specialists view these actions as those of a well-meaning cyber vigilante, one who is arguably providing a helpful service.

This unique software, quirkily named “Ifwatch,” is proliferating at a fast pace, as reported by the cybersecurity experts at Symantec. Symantec’s threat intelligence officer, Val Saengphaibul, declared, “We’ve seen no indication of malicious activity so far. Yet, legally speaking, this classifies as unlawful behavior, as it involves accessing networked computers without the owner’s consent.” Learn more about this story on CNN Money.

Photo credits go to: Christophe Verdier