High-Priced High Definition TVs Are on the Way – MaybeMoney

High-Priced High Definition TVs Are on the Way

High-Priced High Definition TVs Are on the Way

Premium quality televisions are increasingly finding their way into households worldwide, but the cost associated with these devices is threatening to escalate uncontrollably. Ultra High Definition TVs, also known as 4K, have the ability to project images with four times the detail compared to the standard high-definition screens we’re used to seeing. Furthermore, the latest 4K televisions consume around 30% more energy than typical HD models, as indicated in a report published by the Natural Resources Defense Council on Tuesday. The report suggested that US domestic energy bills could increase by over $1 billion annually if all TVs larger than 36 inches were to switch to 4K with the current average efficiency. You can find more details on CNN Money.
Photo courtesy of Tookapic from SmartAsset.com.