High-Tech Innovations Transform Pizza Ordering – MaybeMoney

High-Tech Innovations Transform Pizza Ordering

High-Tech Innovations Transform Pizza Ordering

Acquiring a pizza has simultaneously become simpler and more intricate.
Pizza Hut has unveiled a unique app named “Pizza Navigation System,” providing customers with an Uber-like feature to monitor their delivery driver’s location via a map in relation to their home. The corporation claims that this service will “empower customers to schedule their meal times as Pizza Hut concurrently directs its legion of drivers for a streamlined ordering procedure.”
The app also proffers customers a picture of their delivery personnel, allowing them to know who will show up at their doorstep.
Initially, this service was introduced in Russia and Israel towards the end of last year. Its arrival in the Dallas region is forthcoming, with a nationwide rollout slated for later this year.
Image credit: SimonQ