How Educating Adolescents on Freelancing and Fiverr Can Accelerate their Career Trajectory – MaybeMoney

How Educating Adolescents on Freelancing and Fiverr Can Accelerate their Career Trajectory

How Educating Adolescents on Freelancing and Fiverr Can Accelerate their Career Trajectory

Educating our teens about life and preparing them for the real world is one of our key responsibilities as parents. One significant part of this is guiding them towards discovering their future career. The aim isn’t to dictate their career choice – many of us are still exploring different career options ourselves – but rather to equip them with the tools they need to chart their own course. A potent method I’ve discovered is to introduce them to the world of freelancing.


As parents, we see our children evolve into remarkable young adults and observe their interests evolve over the years. This places us in the ideal position to support our teens in identifying their true passions – the things that will truly ignite their happiness and drive them to succeed. In this process, they can start to identify potential career paths. Not every teenager will find freelancing to suit them, but it can accommodate a plethora of personalities.

To narrow down freelance options, it’s essential to focus on their preferences and strengths, as well as consider their energy levels and life goals. Conversations about their aspirations usually lead to deeper bonding sessions, which become increasingly rare as they enter their teenage years.

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The spectrum of freelancing roles is broad, especially in our digital age. From my experience as a longstanding freelancer, I have showcased to my children how effortlessly one can diversify their capabilities and incomes in this field.

Some popular freelancing roles include:

– Artist
– Beta Tester
– Editor
– Gig Economy Worker
– Graphic Artist
– Illustrator
– Marketing
– Musician
– Photographer
– Sales
– Social Media
– VA (Virtual Assistant)
– Video Producer
– Video Game Designer
– Voice Actor
– Writer

This list may seem overwhelming, but it showcases the vast array of skillsets one can apply in freelancing. It’s beneficial for any unsure teenager.


One of our teens began his freelancing journey at 14 in the field of sales. He’d purchase products at a discounted price and resell them at market value, making a decent profit. Our other teen attempted the same, but he hasn’t quite perfected the art yet. But there’s always room for improvement.

Our sales freelancer has also dabbled in creating video game servers for a fee and he has begun to design logos. His illustration tablet has facilitated his growth in these areas.

Although he hasn’t made a significant income from illustration yet, he’s developing new skills daily and earned enough to offset the cost of his tablet.


After a teenager understands their potential in freelancing, they need to find a platform to showcase their services. That’s where Fiverr comes into play.

Fiverr is an excellent platform for new freelancers. Although their initial income may not be high, everyone starts somewhere. Services can begin at as much as $5, but additional services or benefits can be offered to increase earning potential.

With platforms like Fiverr, teens can build a strong customer base and collect reviews, gradually building their freelance business. With early career exploration in their teens, they could be earning a decent income by adulthood. Thus, allowing parents time to teach them appropriate financial management.


Guiding teenagers towards freelancing is a powerful way to kick-start their career while they are still in their teens. Have deep and meaningful conversations with your teens about their interests and future goals, and then introduce them to the various freelancing opportunities. Once they narrow their interests, help them develop those skills and advertise their services on websites like Fiverr.

This exposure to freelancing can align them with their career track and maybe even lead towards financial independence, provided they take to heart the banking tips you’ve given along the way.
It’s keen to know, what’s your approach to introducing your teenagers to the world of freelancing? Do share your experiences and tips with us.