How My Family Saves Significantly on Clothes Every Year – MaybeMoney

How My Family Saves Significantly on Clothes Every Year

How My Family Saves Significantly on Clothes Every Year

Indeed, you read that correctly. Each year, my family and I spend next to nothing on clothes. We’ve set an approximate clothing budget of only $30 per month for the three of us, which often goes unspent. If we were to fully utilize it, it would only total $360 annually.

I’ve arrived at this stage from being an avid shopper, so rooted was I in my love for online clothes shopping that I could recite my debit card details by heart – a perilous situation for a shopping lover like me. It was only when I made a conscious decision to get out of debt that I decided to cut back on spending money on clothing. Given the abundant clothes I already had, this wasn’t too difficult. Gradually, I loosened the ban and established a small monthly clothing budget for my family, which surprisingly was effective.

If you too want to drastically cut down your clothing expenses, here are some strategies that worked for us.


The first step towards economizing clothing spends is being aware of the clothing you already have. With my past shopping habit, I had a massive collection of clothes. Some were lost in the depths of my wardrobe due to disorganization. Managing the wardrobe well is also crucial; I often had to replace clothes simply because I had misplaced the original, which was quite reckless.

Adopting the Marie Kondo approach to tidy up and organize clothes really helps in keeping a track of what you have. Although I wasn’t aware of this method back then, I grouped my clothes by color and marked my favorite pieces. Once you have a grasp on your wardrobe inventory, you might discover that you hardly need to spend anything on clothes.


When we do require new clothes, thrift shops like Goodwill and the Salvation Army are our go-to choices. While some may frown upon the idea of thrift shopping, for me, the hunt is exciting. It enables me to find durable and high-quality clothing, especially for my son, who seems to outgrow his clothes faster than I can blink.


We are always open to accepting free clothes. Our relatives are generous enough to pass down their unused or gently worn clothes. My son, in particular, benefits greatly from these hand-me-downs. Such a practice also makes for a perfect way to procure children’s clothing. For instance, a former colleague of mine offered a lot of boys’ clothes through a Facebook post, which I was lucky to claim as they perfectly fit my son.


We’ve been fortuitous to receive clothing as gifts for birthdays and other occasions. These surprise gifts from friends and family often help replenish our wardrobe. For instance, each time I host a birthday party for my son, many guests inquire about his size to gift him clothes.


Yes, we do occasionally shop in mainstream stores, but when we shop, we use coupons. Kohls, during back-to-school season, is swarming with discounts and coupons. Similarly, ThredUp is an online consignment store that always provides discounted prices and offers coupons for new/returning customers. Target’s clearance section usually has plenty of affordable clothing.


Cashback rewards sites like Ebates are my preferred choice when shopping for clothes online. These sites essentially reduce my out-of-pocket spending. Additionally, I own a cashback credit card that comes in handy for huge clothing hauls or day-to-day purchases.

Remember, we’re not barred from buying new clothes. Our clothing budget exists, but we often don’t expend it. This unspent money usually rolls over to the next month or is spent on other things.

Having nice clothes to wear is still a priority for me, but shopping isn’t a hobby anymore. Cutting down on clothing spend has freed up our budget to focus on experiences, paying off debt, boosting savings, and other meaningful aspects of our life.

Do you think you could eliminate or significantly reduce clothing expenses each month or even for an entire year? Why or why not?