How to Economically Stage Your Home for Maximum Sales Profit – MaybeMoney

How to Economically Stage Your Home for Maximum Sales Profit

How to Economically Stage Your Home for Maximum Sales Profit

Selling your home can often be a challenging endeavor, potentially taking weeks, months, or even a year, depending on the circumstances of the market. The longer your property sits unsold, the greater the likelihood of a decreased selling price due to desperation. However, often it’s the smaller details that can sway a potential buyer. If your property is currently unfurnished or could use some refreshing, proper home staging can make the difference between being sold swiftly and at a higher price versus remaining on the market for longer periods progressively losing its market value.

Professional home staging services or renting suitable furniture can dent your budget substantially. Instead, consider these practical and cost-effective home staging ideas:

DECLUTTER: Clutter can often be off-putting for any potential buyer. A simple cleanup can immensely improve how your house is perceived. This might also give you a chance to earn some extra cash by selling things you no longer need. By ensuring everything in the house is neatly in its place, you provide a chance for buyers to appreciate the beauty of your home and notice the diligent care you’ve given to the things you own, and by extension, the property.

REARRANGE: Examine how your furniture is set up. We often arrange it to our personal comfort and needs which might not necessarily showcase a room’s potential. Try to rearrange items to create the illusion of more space and focus on certain areas. Removing oversized or obstructive furniture will ensure easy navigation for people touring your home.

BORROW FROM FRIENDS & FAMILY: If you’ve already moved and your previous home is now unfurnished, borrowing furniture from friends and family or sourcing inexpensive items from garage sales and thrift stores could provide just enough to allow potential buyers to visualize the potential of the space.

BRING IN NATURE: Adding plants and flowers around the house injects an element of coziness and charm. If you live near a beach, consider adding shells as a centerpiece or incorporate driftwood in your decor.

CONSIDER REPAINTING: Fresh paint can dramatically improve the look of your home without breaking the banks. Focus on areas that look chipped or dirty. Additionally, creating an accent wall can help highlight special features of your home.

UPDATE LIGHTING: Well-executed lighting can change how your home looks. Avoid harsh, cool-toned lighting. Aim for soft and welcoming illumination. Moreover, warm light is more flattering to skin tones.

CREATE A COZY ATMOSPHERE: To make your property more appealing, try to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Small touches like a fresh bouquet of flowers, a bowl of fruit on the counter, or freshly baked cookies on the table can leave a positive impression.

In conclusion, proper home staging can expedite your home’s sale. Implementing these tips can help you stage your home economically while maximizing its selling potential. Have you ever staged a home before? What are some of the rooms or details you concentrated on?