How to Enjoy a Frugal and Stress-Free Thanksgiving – MaybeMoney

How to Enjoy a Frugal and Stress-Free Thanksgiving

How to Enjoy a Frugal and Stress-Free Thanksgiving

Time really flies, and unbelievably, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. This is one of the holidays I most anticipate, not just for the delicious foods we get to indulge in, but also for the relaxation, reflection, and quality family time it affords. However, if you’re hosting, it can get queen stressful and might hit you with a few unexpected expenses. Here, I share my top tips for having a no-stress, budget-friendly Thanksgiving.

It’s important not to leave the planning for your Thanksgiving meal until the last minute. Delaying could mean you’ll have to make more than one trip to the store, or you’ll discover out that the item you need is unavailable.
No one wants to rush out on Thanksgiving day to buy items like plates, cups, or eggs. As you’ll find that most stores are closed and running errands is a considerable inconvenience.
Instead, get together with your family and plan out the feast. Share out the responsibilities and set aside a few days to review your shopping list to ensure you haven’t forgotten anything.
The ‘Shopping List Ease’ app is excellent for creating a running list of what you need and what you already have.

If you’re the host, knowing how many guests to expect will help you plan the meals better and avoid having too much or too little food. In my home, we usually prepare too much food hoping for leftovers. However, having insufficient food is very uncomfortable.
Ask everyone to confirm their attendance upfront and make it clear that any surprises might stretch you thin.

After establishing your guest count, it will be easier for you to distribute tasks. It’s a mistake to try to carry all the responsibilities yourself.
Ask others whether they could take charge of part of the meal, desserts, or other supplies like seating, paper goods, games etc. Clear communication is key; assign tasks to specific people and ensure they understand what they need to bring. In my family, the main source of confusion has usually been miscommunication or forgetfulness on assigned responsibilities.
Consider a group chat where everyone can keep each other updated on who’s doing what.
Avoid all the holiday stress this year, these tips are for you!

Even if you aren’t a regular coupon user, Thanksgiving is a good time to take advantage of coupons and sales. Food is a significant expense during Thanksgiving, so reducing it will help you save.
Start by scanning your local grocery store flyers for sales. The ‘Flipp’ app is great for this. Look for offers on ham and turkey; sometimes, you might get a free turkey upon buying a ham or vice versa – despite a weight limit, it’s still a saving of about $15 to $20.
Remember to utilize cash-back apps like Ebates. They give you rebates and cash back on some purchases to help you save.

A Thanksgiving dinner may seem daunting, and you certainly don’t want to spend the whole day in the kitchen. To enjoy the day more, prepare some dishes beforehand – the night before or early in the morning. Dishes like pies, casseroles, vegetables, mac, cheese, and ham can be pre-made and simply heated up on D-day. Turkey dries out quickly, so it’s best prepared on the same day.

Plan a small budget for your Thanksgiving decorations. Check your local dollar store for affordable options and use tablecloths and vases you already own. Leftover Halloween pumpkins can be used in the decorations too.
If there are children in the family, have them help with the decorations – they can make their own or help with the existing ones.

To save as much as possible on Thanksgiving day, stay away from pre-Black Friday sales.
I’ve never been a fan of Black Friday, especially since many stores have started holding sales on Thanksgiving night. Rushing through dinner to stand in line and fight over products does not sound like a relaxing Thanksgiving to me.
You can always find good sales, especially online, during Cyber Week. So, enjoy Thanksgiving with your family – watch movies, play games, and have that second round of dessert.
Remember, there’s always an element of control you have in keeping everything organised and running smoothly. Try not to get worked up if things don’t go perfectly.
What are you doing to have a stress-free and budget-friendly Thanksgiving this year?