How to Feel Satisfied Consuming 1,200 Calories per Day – MaybeMoney

How to Feel Satisfied Consuming 1,200 Calories per Day

How to Feel Satisfied Consuming 1,200 Calories per Day

Have you set a weight loss objective for this year? You’re not alone. As per YouGov’s survey, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is losing weight and getting back into shape. The essence of weight loss boils down to the concept of calories consumed vs calories expelled.

To move forward with weight loss, it might be helpful to reduce your calorie intake for a while. When I’ve tried cutting calories in the past, the most critical issue was the persistent feeling of hunger and being on a diet.

If you’re curious about how to limit your daily intake to 1,200 calories and still feel satiated, keep reading.

Quick Note:
I’m not a medical professional. The information provided is not a replacement for professional healthcare advice, medical diagnosis, or treatment.

Before embarking on a weight loss journey, consult with your physician to get the best recommendations for dietary and exercise routines. Eating only 1,200 calories may not work for everyone. As a relatively short individual (5’1″), I can reduce to this level to lose weight. If you are taller or have a higher activity level, you may need to increase your daily caloric intake up to 1,400 or 1,700.

If you’re planning on limiting your daily intake to 1,200 calories while staying satisfied, consider some of these useful tools and resources:

Learning to measure food can aid in keeping tabs on your daily caloric intake. It’s critical to familiarize yourself with portion sizes and understand how much food leaves you feeling satisfied. You can easily order a basic food scale from Amazon.

If you need or aspire to have more than 1,200 calories per day, a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator can help you figure out the right amount to eat depending on your body type. It calculates how many calories you burn in a day.

Oil is a common ingredient that can unknowingly up the calorie count of any meal. You might want to consider using spray olive oil or avocado oil instead, as they tend to add fewer calories.

Here are some of my suggested low-calorie meals. The key is to prioritize the quality of food over the quantity. Consuming 1,200 calories of junk food isn’t a healthy approach. You’ll feel much more sustained by eating high-protein whole foods containing healthy fats.

A healthy diet of 1,200 calories ideally divides into around 300 – 350 calories each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with room for a snack or dessert.

Here are some breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options that might interest you.

Remember to use less oil, include healthy fats and protein in your meals, and load up on veggies since they’re nutritionally dense but low in calories. Always consult with your doctor to establish a healthy daily calorie intake that’s tailored to your body type and to get additional recommendations for nutritious foods.

Do you have health-related goals for this year? What’s your plan to achieve them? Let’s discuss below.