How to Prioritize Experiences Over Material Possessions This Holiday Season – MaybeMoney

How to Prioritize Experiences Over Material Possessions This Holiday Season

How to Prioritize Experiences Over Material Possessions This Holiday Season

As we continue to revel in the holiday spirit, it’s a perfect moment to remind ourselves to focus on building experiences and forming cherished memories with our dear ones. It can be quite a task to not get bogged down by the potential pressures of sourcing and financing gifts and considering other associated expenses. Admittedly, it’s a well-worn sentiment, but the holidays encompass much more than just the exchange of presents.

The past year has notably placed immense strains on many of us, and when contemplating preserving my mental well-being and concluding the year on a positive stride, luxury gadgets like the latest iPhone or PlayStation 5 strains. Material possessions are just that – possessions. While they might provide temporary solace, focussing on experiential moments bears more significance. Additionally, shifting your attention from tangible items to memorable experiences could be more cost-effective.

So, how do you realign this perspective, given the exceptional rendition of holidays this year? Here are some accessible concepts to initiate.


Making bucket lists is an activity I immensely enjoy. I have a list of activities I aspire to undertake before I hit 30. Even though I don’t get disheartened about not ticking something off my list, it reassures me that I am proactively leading an intentional life. Crafting a holiday bucket list could offer something exciting to anticipate, rather than the mundane gift buying.

Regardless of the restrictions on various activities this year, you can exercise your imagination to design a list of experiences you aim to have, either solo or with your near and dear ones. It could be as simple as having an annual ritual of watching a holiday film or taking the kids out for sledding when winter graces your town with the first snowfall. Or maybe, you aim to utilize the holiday break to acquire a new talent or pursue an alternate hobby.

Identify a handful of activities that spark joy for you and fuel the safe creation of memories with your dear ones. Then, strive to accomplish as many activities on your holiday bucket list as possible.


Another route to prioritize experiences over physical objects is to invest time. Explore volunteering opportunities at local establishments like a church, a not-for-profit organization, or a food bank. Deliver meals to disadvantaged families, use your creative skills to spruce up a local business’ outdoor façade, or if you have a knack for arts or music, consider virtual music or arts lessons for children. Explore possibilities to pet sit if a friend or neighbor is in need.

There are endless avenues to contribute your time and support others during the festive season. Focus on identifying needs within your familial and community circles and see how you are equipped to assist.


Though a lot of us won’t be able to travel and meet with our families this year, we can still bridge the distance in other ways. We are advantaged to live in an era brimming with technology – simple phone calls or video chats to connect with distant family members or friends can make a world of difference. You might also consider sending out old-fashioned Christmas cards if this is something you’ve never done before.

While the current circumstances might not be what we idealized, modern comforts offer various opportunities to remain connected.


If you are a parent, you’ll understand the ongoing quest of keeping children engaged during their holiday break. Even though there may be more hurdles this year, it is an opportunity to think outside the box and construct fun, memorable experiences for your family.

Quiz nights, gingerbread house decorating contests, bathing some cookies for neighbors, or a fun-filled day in the backyard; there are countless avenues to explore. Consider purchasing DIY ornament kits and have your little ones personalize Christmas tree ornaments. Or arrange an indoor camping experience with hot cocoa and perhaps a marathon watching of The Santa Claus movie series.

In conclusion, this year still presents numerous opportunities to cherish special moments, with these imaginative experiences being a starting point. By emphasizing experiences over material possessions during the holiday season, you can circumvent overspending and consequently, debt. Such an approach also encourages you to contemplate what really cultivates long-term happiness in your home.

With these unusual circumstances in mind, how will you be allotting more importance to experiences this holiday season?