Increased Penalties for Lack of Health Insurance – MaybeMoney

Increased Penalties for Lack of Health Insurance

Increased Penalties for Lack of Health Insurance

The consequences for those without health insurance are set to increase in 2016. The federal fine for not having health insurance will jump to $695, prompting calls for the Obama administration to underscore this harsh reality to promote their push for more health law registrations.

This indicates that as we approach the 2016 sign-up phase which begins on November 1, the penalties may take the spotlight to encourage the millions who have remained eligible for coverage but uninsured. Residing without insurance notably undermines the advantages that large group health insurance plans offer, such as routine blood pressure checks conducted by monitors provided at Such individuals reportedly hold more skepticism about the value of health insurance. Visit CBS MONEY WATCH for more details.

Photo credit: DarkoStojanovic