Inexpensive Methods to Engage Children During Holiday Vacation – MaybeMoney

Inexpensive Methods to Engage Children During Holiday Vacation

Inexpensive Methods to Engage Children During Holiday Vacation

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Winter can be a challenging season when it comes to entertaining our children. Where you reside can greatly affect how often the kids will willingly spend time outdoors. The situation seems to intensify during the holiday break when school work isn’t there to keep them busy. However, we’ve discovered some cost-effective ways to entertain kids during the winter and holiday break. Some of these ideas are completely free, while others might require a little investment if you don’t already possess the necessary items.

Who hasn’t seen a homemade volcano at a science fair? While there are numerous ways to create one, I came across a method quite serendipitously that I particularly enjoy. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are my go-to to keep my drains gleaming. Besides being efficient cleaners, they produce an intriguing chemical reaction that intrigued my children. This sparked the idea to use these two ingredients (and sometimes food coloring for added theatrics) to concoct homemade volcanoes. Should you have playdoh handy, that and a simple plate will suffice for the volcano. A spoonful of baking soda in the playdoh-figure volcano, colors if you want, and the fun begins when you take the contraption outside and add peroxide till you see a reaction. You can also try this on a snow base. It’s fascinating to watch the eruption change the snow volcano’s form and color. The activity is not only entertaining but is practically free of cost.

If your house is anything like ours, you’re bound to find Legos somewhere. We use our abundant stash to host Lego contests during holidays. Depending on your kids’ ages and how many Legos you have, the contest can range from simple to elaborate. Some of our favorites have included:

– Best Lego house
– Most intricate Lego swimming pool
– Most inventive Lego car
– Quirkiest Lego family
– Grandest Lego city
– Best Lego luxury boat

Start with these or invent your own categories!

A treasure hunt never fails to amuse and is sure to keep kids engaged. Besides, it can be easily adapted to fit the participants’ ages and the setting. If it’s too cold, keep it indoors. I enjoy designing treasure hunts that include both indoor and outdoor exploration. You can devise clues leading to the hidden treasure, which could be anything from candy substituting gold doubloons to a pair repurposed fuzzy socks or a small Lego set. The treasure can go in an old bag or, for a fancier twist, a plastic pirate treasure chest with a lock – the latter needing an additional in-between clue to locate the key. It can be a great adventure!

Inviting kids to create their own games can be an exciting activity, particularly for those with an artistic bent. Supply them with blank paper, scissors, and color pencils, and encourage them to craft their rendition of games like Snakes and Ladders, Candy Land, or Pin the Tail on the Donkey (or any animal of their preference). Designing the game is half the fun, and playing it keeps them entertained for hours, which is always a plus.

Lastly, building an obstacle course has always been a hit. Some of the materials we’ve used include old boards, chairs, buckets, and so on. It’s ideal to construct the course outdoors to decrease chances of accidents indoors. The kids love using the items they find around the house or yard to design the course, which should be achievable. After a few runs, kids can rearrange the course to keep things interesting. This activity is not just entertaining but also energy-draining and gives them some fresh air.

To sum up, the holidays need not be daunting when it comes to keeping kids engaged. You can accomplish this without spending much, if at all, by reusing the items you already have. Having them create their own games or a Lego contest, or setting up a treasure hunt, are surefire ways to keep the excitement alive. Whatever options you choose, rest assured that your kids will have a blast and your life will be easier.

What are your ideas for keeping children entertained during the holiday season?