Initiating a Budget-Friendly Workout Regimen This Year – MaybeMoney

Initiating a Budget-Friendly Workout Regimen This Year

Initiating a Budget-Friendly Workout Regimen This Year

If you’re setting new year’s resolutions, it’s likely that getting fit or losing weight might be on your list. It’s a commendable goal to pursue, yet a major hurdle can be the cost involved. Buying equipment for a home gym or acquiring a gym membership can be expensive, not to mention the discomfort some feel when working out in public. If you’re looking to exercise without breaking the bank or under the watchful eyes of others, this guide offers some budget-friendly fitness tips for the year.

Now with winter upon us, outdoor physical activities might seem less appealing. However, YouTube is brimming with a variety of workout videos from yoga to Zumba to Jazzercise that you can do indoors. It’s a compelling method to workout considering the success stories of some, like a popular personal finance blogger who shed over 100 pounds using YouTube workout routines. Additionally, your local library can also be a great source for workout videos that you might want to try before deciding to purchase.

Often, we may dismiss our kids’ requests to join them in a game of basketball or a run, but this year, make a resolution to spend more time indulging in these activities with them. It’s a dual win, as you get to build your fitness routine effortlessly while also bonding with your children. From bike rides to playground visits, there are plenty of fun activities that can get your heart rate up.

While cleaning isn’t the most liked house chore, it can actually be quite the workout when done intensively. Vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing tubs, or baseboards can get your heart rate going as if you’re doing cardio, tackling both the task of cleaning and exercising at a go.

Consider volunteering as a coach for your kids’ or neighborhood sports team. Whether it’s basketball, baseball, or soccer, it’s not only a great way to get active but also promote team spirit, contribute to the community, and meet other active families.

Don’t let the fitness trend deter your journey. You don’t necessarily need a Fitbit or similar trendy workout gear to get an effective workout. While these devices might help with tracking activity, they can’t motivate you to get up and get moving – that’s solely your job.

Creating and sticking to a workout routine becomes easier with consistency and the right companion. Find a friend or neighbor to join you in your frugal workout routine. It provides a sense of accountability, as you wouldn’t want to disappoint them by not showing up, and vice versa.

Start the new year with these budget-friendly workout strategies. They not only keep you healthy physically, but also fiscally. Good luck!

Do you have a favorite cost-effective workout routine? Are cleaning or playing with your kids part of your cardio routine? Are you also part of the non-Fitbit group?