Investment Opportunities are Accessible to All – MaybeMoney

Investment Opportunities are Accessible to All

Investment Opportunities are Accessible to All

This article is sponsored by Stash. The content and opinions expressed herein are brought to you by Everything Finance.
The adage “it takes money to make money” often holds true for investing, but it doesn’t always have to be the case.
Over the years, the investment market has proven to be a profitable venture. For instance, from 1900 to 2000, the market saw an average growth rate of 10.4% annually*. However, a common notion is that only those with significant financial means, sufficient for high minimums, hiring financial advisors, and buying diverse stocks and funds, can reap the benefits of investing.
But what about the majority of people without these resources? They too deserve a chance to invest, and a new company named Stash is doing just that. Here’s how Stash is paving the way for everyone to invest:
Minimums: Stash allows you to commence investing with just $5.
Guidance: Stash guides you on where to invest, providing around 30 professionally managed investment options aligned with your goals, interests, and values.
Prices: With Stash, you can purchase a fractional share, enabling you to invest in a $100 share with just $5 or $10.
Low minimums, guidance, and competitive prices make investing a possibility for everyone, just as it should be, and this is precisely what Stash was created to achieve.
Click here for early access to Stash.
Investing isn’t only about making money; it’s also about supporting causes that resonate with you, while still availing of the potential financial benefits of a professionally managed portfolio.
Stash has simplified the process of starting out and choosing an investment portfolio that aligns with your values:
If you’re passionate about LGBT equality in the workplace, consider the Stash “Equality Works” investment, a collection of companies that endorse their LGBT employees with equal rights, inclusive policies, and respect.
Are you a believer in clean energy? Stash’s “Clean & Green” investment option houses companies worldwide that generate renewable energy like solar and wind power.
Keen on investing in businesses that make a difference? The Stash “Do The Right Thing” investment option features businesses making positive contributions to environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) issues.
When you can invest in an option that provides potential financial returns and enables you to support companies you believe in, it’s a win-win.
For early access to Stash click here.