Is Purchasing Property Before Marriage a Good Idea? – MaybeMoney

Is Purchasing Property Before Marriage a Good Idea?

Is Purchasing Property Before Marriage a Good Idea?

The longstanding debate about the appropriateness of cohabitation before marriage feels outdated. It’s no longer an uncommon practice. Nowadays, couples have to consider other financial aspects, such as merging their finances or buying property together before getting married.

Reliable statistics on how many unmarried couples are buying homes together are hard to determine. However, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the trend of unmarried cohabitation is on the rise.

On another note, a recent survey conducted by the real estate brokerage, Redfin, revealed that 38 percent of 2,021 American millennials would consider delaying a wedding or honeymoon to buy a home.

To understand more about the potential risks of buying property together before getting married, check out the U.S. News and World Report.

Photo credit: Jo Christian Oterhals