Is the Cost of a Kirby Vacuum Justified? – MaybeMoney

Is the Cost of a Kirby Vacuum Justified?

Is the Cost of a Kirby Vacuum Justified?

Two months ago, I unwittingly let the Kirby sales team into my home, enticed by a promise of a free carpet clean. Little did I know that it would end in me making a sizable purchase. Despite my unintended purchase of a Kirby vacuum, I don’t find myself regretting the decision. Now, let’s quickly delve into whether the high-cost Kirby vacuum lives up to its price.


Initially, I assumed my Dyson was a top-tier vacuum. I was pro-Dyson, so sold on the brand that I could have easily been their brand ambassador. But then I encountered the Kirby Sentria II. In comparison, my Dyson’s vacuuming abilities seemed subpar.

After using the Kirby for several months, I’ve noticed a marked difference in my carpet. It feels softer post-vacuuming, and it also appears brighter and cleaner.


The Kirby vacuum comes with several handy attachments. I like the convenience of being able to extend the hose to clean usually overlooked nooks and crannies, such as fan blades and curtains.

One minor drawback of the Kirby is that to use the attachable hose, you’ll need to remove the vacuum head. With most other vacuums such as Dyson, the hose is easily accessible. However, the Kirby hose can reach higher than others, so both come with their perks.

Impressively, the Kirby also doubles as a carpet cleaner, easily matching the performance of our previous Bissell cleaner, which was heavier and bulkier. For couches and mattresses, the suction of the Kirby’s detachable head outshines that of any vacuum hose.

The Kirby also offers additional features, like upholstery cleaning and an add-on for washing hardwood floors, alongside the ability to inflate air mattresses and toys.


Although I admire many aspects of the Kirby, it’s only fair to share a few annoyances too.

It’s heavier than the Dyson, which can be tiring during prolonged use, particularly for anyone with arthritis. The reason behind its noticeable weight is that it has a predominant metal body compared to the Dyson’s plastic and metal build.

For some, the Kirby vacuum could be hard to get to grips with. Without guidance, I certainly wouldn’t have figured out its operation. It comes with an instructive DVD, but if you’re unlikely to make the effort to learn, the Kirby might not be your fit.

And lastly, it requires bags – a feature I appreciated about the Dyson was its lack of need for bags. Although an extra cost, thankfully, the bags don’t require frequent replacement, usually needing a change every 4-6 months based on how dirty your home is and your cleaning frequency.


Whether or not the Kirby vacuum is worth its high cost will depend on what price you get it for. At its initial quote of just under $3000, I kept on insisting ‘no’, and finally, the salesperson dropped the price to $1090, inclusive of tax. Considering it replaced my Dyson and the Bissell, the price felt reasonable in comparison.

When considering a Kirby, think about the savings it will offer in the long run. If it extends the life of your carpet and mattress by five or more years, it’s already paying for itself. Not to mention, a well-maintained Kirby should serve you for 20 years or more. Within that time, you’d likely replace vacuums 3-5 times.

In conclusion, I believe the Kirby vacuum is worth its price. When I look back in 10-20 years, if I’m still enjoying this vacuum and its services, I’ll certainly affirm it was worth every penny.

Do you own a Kirby vacuum? What are your thoughts on it?