Is there an Increase in Grocery Prices? – MaybeMoney

Is there an Increase in Grocery Prices?

Is there an Increase in Grocery Prices?

For our monthly grocery shopping, we allocate a budget of $300, approximately $75 per week, designed to cater to two adults. We reside in southern California, where there is an abundance of inexpensive, fresh farm produce. Regardless, for the past couple of months, we have been overshooting our set budget, at times nearly doubling that amount. It leads us to wonder; are grocery prices escalating?

The amount spent on groceries typically varies from household to household based on factors like location and the number of family members. Nevertheless, our systematic track of expenses provides a detailed look into our past grocery expenditures. Observing the steady increase in our food expenses, it raises questions. Could it be that we are consuming more, possibly purchasing more costly food, or if the food prices are gradually climbing?

Recently, we’ve made a shift towards consuming organic food. Nevertheless, we adhere to the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen guidelines and don’t buy all our produce organically. We basically rely on these guidelines to decide when to purchase organic or otherwise. The basic rule is: if you consume the peel, it should be organic; if not, regular is okay.

On the positive side, Trader Joe’s offers some decent deals on organic products. The price difference is normally just a matter of a few pennies, and would probably add an additional $5-$10 to each grocery shopping trip on average.

A significant change in our diet lately, mainly driven by my husband’s renewed focus on leading a healthier lifestyle, has been to include a higher quantity of produce. Nonetheless, I have noticed that these healthier alternatives do not necessarily inflate our food bill. The cost of produce is fairly reasonable compared to pre-packaged foodstuffs.

We’ve significantly minimized our consumption of red meat and we’re not constantly loading up on wine and frozen pizzas. Instead, our diet now consists predominantly of chicken, ground turkey and fish. I aspire to incorporate organic chicken into our diet too, but the price disparity is rather high for now.

My leading assumption is that while we are consciously making healthier food choices, we are extending our grocery shopping frequency and consumption. Lean meat such as fish can be quite pricey, hence the increased expenditure. Moreover, a shift towards organic options, like bread and almond milk, which are pricier than their regular counterparts, and an increased consumption of fresh produce necessitating more frequent grocery store visits, could be causing the spike in our grocery bills.

My aim is to explore methods to pare our grocery budget. Nevertheless, I don’t regret spending a bit more on groceries in pursuit of a healthier diet. Would you consider spending more on groceries for a healthier diet?

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