Los Angeles Sanctions $15 Minimum Wage – MaybeMoney

Los Angeles Sanctions $15 Minimum Wage

Los Angeles Sanctions $15 Minimum Wage

At its Wednesday meeting, the Los Angeles city council gave tentative approval for a $15 minimum wage. The plan is to gradually raise the hourly wage to $15 by 2020. However, due to the last vote count of 13-1 not being unanimous, a third and decisive vote is slated for the following Wednesday.

“Today’s vote ensures that the minimum wage in Los Angeles will no longer be synonymous with poverty,” announced Mayor Eric Garcetti. This comment comes two weeks after an almost unanimous preliminary vote of 14-1 in favor of the measure.

This would more than double the current federal minimum wage of $7.25. The increases are set to commence from July 2016, starting from $10.50 per hour and thereafter increasing annually to $12, $13.25, $14.25 and finally $15. There is, however, a one-year adjustment period for small businesses and nonprofits.

For more information, visit CBS Money Watch.
Photo credit: The All-Nite Images.
Via SmartAsset.com