Maintaining Fitness Without the Need for a Gym Membership – MaybeMoney

Maintaining Fitness Without the Need for a Gym Membership

Maintaining Fitness Without the Need for a Gym Membership

With gyms closed for a considerable amount of time recently, many of us found ourselves joking about frequent visits to our refrigerators while working at home. But laughter aside, maintaining our health and fitness must be our top priority. Without optimal health, accomplishing basic tasks and achieving targets in various aspects of life could become a challenge.

Though gyms are gradually reopening now, it is important to understand that fitness can be achieved without a gym membership too. My gym subscription has been on hold for a while now, and I’ve been exploring alternative ways to keep myself physically active. Here are some options that can help maintain fitness without requiring a gym membership.


Similar to how I schedule my work, freelancing and other activities, I also define a regular workout timetable. I mostly exercise in the mornings or during lunch breaks, though occasionally in the evenings with my husband.

Without a gym membership, you enjoy the flexibility to plan your workouts according to your requirements. For those who prefer structured group fitness classes, create your own fitness routine and mark it on your calendar. Consistency is crucial.

Documenting my daily workout goals in my planner assists mentally in committing myself to the task. On low motivation days, a minimum commitment of 20 minutes of exercise is beneficial. Simply initiating the workout often does the job.


When aiming to build muscle and tone the body, I frequently turn to free workout videos on YouTube. I appreciate the vast array of free resources and tips available on the platform.

I also use Nike+ Training Club, a free app offering personalized training sessions that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. The app presents diverse training programs led by Nike Master Trainers and pro athletes, thus allowing the tailoring of a weekly program as per time constraints and fitness objectives.


One of the primary drawbacks of not visiting the gym is missing out on the variety of equipment available. However, I make the best use of simple free equipment I already possess like a resistance band, a medicine ball, and a speed rope for quick cardio sessions.


Running is touted as one of the simplest ways to stay fit without any cost attached, but it has never been my preferred activity. I am considering alternatives like dancing or Zumba to fulfill my cardio needs. However, having the right shoes can significantly improve the running experience, making it more comfortable and bearable for beginners.


The simplest way to stay fit without a gym membership is by staying active. I use a FitBit to track my physical activity, but a pedometer app on your phone can serve the same purpose. I aim for at least 10,000 steps per day, and frequently challenge myself to achieve more. Remember, you can always engage in walks, outdoor sports, or bike rides, as long as you are moving and stretching regularly.

As depicted, one can maintain fitness in many ways without needing a gym membership. The choice between going to a gym or working out at home is a matter of personal preference.