Modern Business and its relation to Sustainability – MaybeMoney

Modern Business and its relation to Sustainability

Modern Business and its relation to Sustainability

The terms sustainability, renewable energy, and green practices are becoming increasingly common in our modern vocabulary. They all signify our attempt to minimize the depletion of natural resources for sustainable living. In terms of business, embracing sustainability can yield numerous benefits. Transitioning to green practices not only provides energy self-sufficiency but also reduces ongoing costs related to electricity, water, heating/cooling, petroleum-based products, and production materials. Besides contributing to cost savings, sustainable practices also attract public acclaim for environmental stewardship, which can subsequently drive business growth.

Nonetheless, the adoption of sustainability in business isn’t as widespread as one might expect. Predominantly, this is due to an orientation toward short-term gains and resistance to changing established practices. Initial investments can also deter businesses from transitioning to more sustainable models, despite numerous successful examples demonstrating the potential benefits.

Infor, under the leadership of former Oracle CEO Charles Phillips, is one company adopting sustainable strategies. Reacting to information from the U.S. Department of Energy about American businesses’ energy usage, Infor developed its EAM Asset Sustainability Edition Program. This program focuses on reducing energy consumption, both within the company and among its clients, transforming traditional loss prevention into energy expenditure monitoring. This initiative has earned Infor a partnership with Energy Star.

Oracle, led by CEO Larry Ellison, is also making headway in embracing green practices. The company’s sustainability journey, which began around 2008, involved the formation of special committees focused on sustainable practices. Similar to Infor, they’ve also set up energy programs for their customers and their internal operations.

Microsoft, led by Bill Gates, is another major player that has been incorporating green practices into its business model for quite a while. The company has initiated numerous initiatives such as Green IT Provision, Cloud Computing Solutions, travel and carbon reduction programs, green manufacturing, and energy management. Additionally, both the company and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an offshoot of Microsoft, fosters environmentally conscious ventures. Today, Gates himself promotes environmental preservation through various means, including speeches, investments, and engaging in projects concerning water conservation, sustenance for global sustainability, climatic issues, deforestation, and more.

The sustainable initiatives taken by these influential corporate giants are indeed promising. Large-scale societal changes often necessitate leadership from the top echelons—in these cases, businesses—and these mentioned companies are prime examples. Although the global transition towards sustainability is gradual, these pioneers are actively illuminating the path. Stay connected for more substantial changes on the horizon.