Money-Saving Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Kids – MaybeMoney

Money-Saving Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Kids

Money-Saving Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Kids

Traveling by car with children may initially appear daunting, but with a few careful planning techniques, it can prove to be a cost-effective and even entertaining experience. Especially given the fact that most airlines require a separate ticket for children aged 2 and above, the costs can quickly add up for families choosing to fly. Therefore, well-planned family road trips can be an enjoyable and economical adventure. Here are my top 5 tips on economizing and enhancing your family road trip experience.

Proper car maintenance is essential for any road trip, let alone with children on board. If using your car, performing pre-emptive maintenance checks and organizing the space before embarking on the journey is a wise move. Not only does this prevent unpleasant breakdowns and delays, it can also save you money since you can choose your preferred local mechanic for any necessary repairs, instead of being at the mercy of unfamiliar mechanics on the road.
Renting cars should also involve careful space consideration, especially with children on board. For instance, with three kids in the back seat, strategic packing to ensure the junk fits in the trunk would maximize sitting space and comfort.

Kicking off your road trip early in the morning can vastly improve the experience. Aside from potentially avoiding traffic, this strategy allows you to take advantage of the quiet early hours when the family may still be sleepy. Even if your children typically wake up early, implementing quiet activities for the first few hours can maintain this peaceful atmosphere. Getting close to or even reaching the destination before the children wake up completely can guarantee you a smoother journey.

Inform your family in advance that you plan to bypass fast food restaurants during the journey. Not only can such stops eat up your travel time, but they can also inflate your expenses. A smart alternative is to carry your own food and snacks in a cooler. Sandwiches, chips, and drinks are easy options. You can also opt for healthier alternatives such as fruits, vegetables, trail mix or raw nuts. Planning and packing your meals enables you to control your food costs while ensuring everyone stays nourished on the journey.

Children are bound to get bored during long road trips, so it’s crucial to prepare entertainment ahead of time. Older kids might benefit from having a tablet or portable gaming system, while younger ones could be entertained by swapping out toys every now and then. You could also consider downloading child-friendly audiobooks or music for the journey, or even suggest car-friendly games like I Spy to keep them occupied.

To ensure a swift journey and to avoid unanticipated expenses, it’s advisable to restrict the number of stops. Regular stops provide extra opportunities to make unplanned purchases which unnecessarily hike up costs. Whenever you do stop for necessities like gas, ensure everyone uses the restroom to avoid additional stops, and avoid excessive shopping at these stops. A few moments of leg-stretching before continuing the journey can work wonders.

With proper planning and strategic execution, road trips with children can be enjoyable, bearable, and economically efficient. The key is to evade unanticipated costs and to keep the children entertained to prevent them from getting bored. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared for a memorable and cost-effective road trip.