“New ‘Spousal Incentives’ Introduced for Upper East Siders” – MaybeMoney

“New ‘Spousal Incentives’ Introduced for Upper East Siders”

Stay-at-home mothers with high-income partners can now feel jubilant.
Life within the affluent confines of Manhattan’s Upper East Side for the glamourous SAHMs is likely far more intriguing than average individuals could ever conceive.
According to Wednesday Martin from the New York Times, Glam SAHMs represents “glamorous stay-at-home moms.” This group comprises women in their thirties who have attended prestigious educational institutions, married into Wall Street wealth, and are now raising an average of 3.5 children.
In many aspects, these women aren’t that different from the usual moms you might see at your neighborhood park, wiping away kid’s dribble from their Lululemons or assisting their children in piercing straws into Capri Sun pouches. However, if one were to compare these typical mothers with those residing in the luxurious area between 63rd and 94th streets, one stark distinction would stand out – the concept of wife bonuses.
For further details, visit Market Watch.
Photo attributed to: Viewminder