New Year’s Financial Objective: Enhance Your Retirement Savings – MaybeMoney

New Year’s Financial Objective: Enhance Your Retirement Savings

New Year's Financial Objective: Enhance Your Retirement Savings

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Since the year has only just begun, it’s a perfect time for you to set some monetary goals for the year. One of the best moves you could make now is to get a head start on your future by increasing the amount you put into your retirement fund.

If you’re not contributing the maximum allowed to your tax-deductible pension plan, it’s a clear indication that your saving habits have room for improvement. Though it might seem daunting to start maximizing your retirement fund straight away, even small increments now can have a major impact later, thanks to compound interest.


At the outset, you may feel you do not possess any spare cash to direct towards your retirement savings right now. Planning for retirement savings can be challenging. However, the silver lining is that you don’t necessarily need to discover ‘fresh’ money to beef up your pension fund. You might be able to convert your financial indiscretions into a more stable future.

It’s a common fact in personal finance that, on average, individuals fritter away 10-15% of their monthly earnings. So, if your monthly income is $3,000, there’s a high probability that around $300 is being squandered through budgetary slip-ups. Even if you don’t channel the entire $300 into your retirement fund, there’s a good chance you can salvage some of those funds for your future.

It’s imperative to scrutinize your budget conscientiously and honestly. Are you splurging on nonessential items, particularly in comparison to your monetary priorities? Can you pinpoint areas where your financial resources are being squandered? Locate these areas and eliminate them from your budget. If you manage to cut down even one of these financial leaks and channel the saved amount to your retirement fund, you’ll be better off. And if you make this a repeated practice, it could lead to a sizable difference in the long run.


While even a small increase in your monthly retirement contributions can better your financial situation, you might achieve more substantial benefits by striving to get closer to maximizing your retirement savings. If building wealth is your goal, you need to exceed the bare minimum.

You could take up side jobs and put the additional income in your pension account. Alternatively, once you’ve adapted to your increased monthly contributions, you could re-evaluate your budget to identify more areas where you can cut costs and put the savings towards your retirement. Over time, these efforts can transform into a rewarding pursuit, giving you a sense of satisfaction each time you ‘win’ by finding more money to bolster your pension fund.


The key components to successfully saving enough for retirement are consistent savings and the amount you manage to put away. Therefore, avoid growing complacent about your pension savings attempts. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your monetary future by boosting your retirement savings this year.