Numerous Employed Millennials Continue to Reside with Their Parents – MaybeMoney

Numerous Employed Millennials Continue to Reside with Their Parents

Numerous Employed Millennials Continue to Reside with Their Parents

Staying at your parents’ home after getting a job might not seem ideal, but many young adults are choosing to delay moving out – job or not. The Pew Research Center’s recent report reveals that as the economy strengthens, more and more millennials are landing jobs compared to five years ago, yet paradoxically, an increased number of them are choosing to stay at home. Today, 42.2 million millennials opt to live with their parents, a slight rise from 41.9 million in 2010. In the meantime, the unemployment rate for people between 18 and 34 years old has dropped to 7.7% from 12.4%. Notably, wages have also seen growth, although modest. Weekly median earnings for this age group have crept up to $574 from $547 in 2012. More about this trend can be found at CNN Money.
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