Owning a Home May Be More Challenging with a College Degree – MaybeMoney

Owning a Home May Be More Challenging with a College Degree

Owning a Home May Be More Challenging with a College Degree

Trulia’s latest study reveals that the speed at which individuals with a college degree save for their initial 20% down payment on a house is not quicker compared to those without a degree. “In particular markets, the income earned by households with a college degree is not substantially higher than that of those without,” says Ralph McLaughlin, housing economist at Trulia. “The additional financial pressure of student debt for households with a college degree slows down their ability to save for a down payment.”

A home is typically the most significant purchase a person will ever make, yet there seems to be a slump in buying activity among the Millennial generation. Often, the finger of blame is pointed at student loan debt. Although attaining a college degree generally leads to higher overall earnings, the mounting weight of student loans can eat into those savings, making it more difficult to gather the necessary down payment.

For more information, visit CNN Money.

Photo credit: American Advisors Group