Present of Enduring Transformation – MaybeMoney

Present of Enduring Transformation

Present of Enduring Transformation

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What Does a ‘Gift of Lasting Change’ Signify?
A Gift of Lasting Change represents an empowering contribution that can help individuals worldwide realize their potential. It’s something you would take pride in giving, and anyone would be delighted and gratified to receive.

Following the second World War, the inaugural CARE Package leveraged the profound impact of generosity, encapsulated within a box. It subsequently shifted world history by distributing food aid across a battered Europe, alleviating rampant suffering.

The CARE Package of the present day bears a different form, yet it preserves the same noble intent. It provides immediate relief and lays the groundwork for a superior tomorrow. The fundamental truth supporting this endeavor remains the same – your personal contribution can profoundly alter someone’s life, offering enduring change.

The first step is to choose gifts for those you wish to honor. These gifts constitute a fraction of CARE’s vast operations spanning 87 countries, so you are sure to locate the perfect gift within any budget or aligned with any interest.

Have you found an excellent gift but unable to donate the full amount? That’s not an issue! For a majority of the gifts, there’s an option to buy a half or a quarter portion. Regardless of the sum spent, your recipient will receive the same special card.

The second step is to relay this with a personal message or card. Whenever you choose a gift to include in your CARE package, decide how you wish to inform the recipient about your thoughtful gesture. If you prefer an electronic approach, complete the address form and add a personal message. If you lean towards a traditional approach, choose to print a card, write a personalized message, and then mail it.

If cards seem too fussy, simply select “none”.

The third step is something we’ve got covered! We pool your generous donation with others to CARE, utilizing them where they are most crucially needed. Each gift in the catalog faithfully represents CARE’s present efforts to combat poverty. Be assured, your donation will contribute to the most efficient, lasting solutions in fighting poverty across the maximum number of people.

With 90% of CARE’s expenses directed towards program activities globally, you can be confident that your donation will make a significant difference in the battle against poverty.

From beehives that promote healthy beekeeping and agriculture to human-powered water pumps and chicken coops, there is a variety of gifts you can choose from!

Remember, with the holiday season around the corner, gifting them with a Gift of Lasting Change is a selfless and thoughtful gesture. Imagine the impact made if every last-minute gift was transformed into a Gift of Lasting Change. Don’t forget; there are gifts of almost every price suitable for everyone on your list!

For $25 you can provide a kit to help women form their own CARE village savings group.
For $45 you can gift a goat to a farmer.
For $143 you can sponsor a girl’s education for a year.
For $100 you can help a former child bride reshape and support her life and family.

You also have the Quick Gift option to support CARE’s most urgent operations.