Quick Profit: Four Children and Baby Items to Market on Ebay – MaybeMoney

Quick Profit: Four Children and Baby Items to Market on Ebay

Quick Profit: Four Children and Baby Items to Market on Ebay

There’s no denying that raising children can be expensive; their needs seem to multiply overnight. However, you may find that you can recuperate some of your expenditure with the extra income generated from selling unused baby and kid items on eBay. Here are some top-selling categories:

1. Designer Kids and Teens Clothing: Designer clothing for children and teens can present significant earning opportunities. Rather than focusing on common brands or outdated styles, select popular and pricier names. Bundling similar sized and branded clothing as a lot also helps. For instance, a set of 11 teenage girl shirts (plus one pair of shorts) sold for $29.99 on eBay, plus $13 shipping. Considering shipping typically costs less, you can rake in roughly $26-27 profit- not a large amount per piece but way better than a yard sale yield. Baby clothing on eBay can be unpredictable. However, premium items, like Burberry outfits, or complete sets from places like Gymboree, often fetch a higher return.

2. Classic Toys: If you’ve got older children, there’s a chance you have vintage toys or collectibles that can catch a pretty penny. Popular search categories on eBay include Lego sets, character toys from the 80s and 90s, and American Girl dolls. Items related to the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings franchises, which aren’t being produced anymore, are also in high demand.

3. Kids’ Book Bundles: Single children’s books don’t usually sell well, as buyers look for bulk deals. Instead, try selling your kid’s books in lots, especially if it’s a popular series like the Boxcar Children or the Magic Tree House. If you’ve got recent home-school curriculum material, eBay is a great marketplace for it. Curriculum sets like Sonlight and My Father’s World tend to move quickly as long as they’re current editions.

4. Preferred Baby Items for sale: Name-brand items such as Ergo and Moby carriers, Boppy covers, and JJ Cole car seat accessories are easy sells. Also, name-brand cloth diapers are quite popular.

When unsure about a baby or kid item’s market value, look it up. eBay grants plenty of free listings every month, so it’s worth a try. If an item doesn’t sell after a few attempts, consider other platforms like local Facebook selling pages, consignment, or garage sales.