Residential Enhancements: Determining When to Do-It-Yourself or Engage a Professional – MaybeMoney

Residential Enhancements: Determining When to Do-It-Yourself or Engage a Professional

Residential Enhancements: Determining When to Do-It-Yourself or Engage a Professional

Pinterest’s inception has sparked a new revolution among Do-It-Yourself (DIY) enthusiasts. If you’ve recently moved into a home that needs some sprucing up, or if your old house requires a makeover, you’ve likely spent endless hours scouring Pinterest for DIY inspirations. As a homeowner, I share the thrill that comes when the weather transitions towards spring and summer – the perfect seasons to tackle those home improvement projects.

While DIY tasks can be enjoyable and sometimes economically savvier, there are moments when calling in the professionals is indispensable. This raises a valid question: how does one differentiate between a DIY job and one that needs professional expertise? Before you embark on a home improvement task solo, there are some points to deliberate on.


Before you check your skill set, introspect on whether you truly enjoy this sort of work. If manual labor isn’t something you fancy, DIY might not be the right path for you. Moreover, understanding your capability to carry out a specific task is crucial. Enthusiasm alone won’t suffice; you need the right know-how and tools to successfully complete a project.

To determine this, carry out your research. Consult friends who have undertaken similar tasks, interact with home improvement store staff or read through how-to guides that decipher each stage of the job. Legal compliance is another aspect to look at; certain tasks may require adherence to construction codes.

You’re ready to take on the home improvement job if you’re confident of tackling each task associated with it. Yet, if the task demands professional knowledge, years of expertise or if you find yourself in unknown territory, you might want to consider hiring an expert. Remember, having a professional on-board from the start could save you from potential expensive mistakes which could result from a botched DIY attempt.


The potential risks involved in a project are a good indicator of whether it’s suitable for a DIY attempt. If tackling a particular task could put your safety at risk, choosing a professional is the better choice. Certain aspects of your home require expert knowledge and training to contend with. Incorrectly performed jobs can have lethal consequences.

Electrical works, installations or repairs should always be left to professionals to avoid the hazards of electrical fires and electrocutions. Similarly, large-scale plumbing tasks not only need expert handling, but a simple error could lead to expensive repair costs due to water-damage. Working on aspects like heating or air conditioning systems is also better left to the professionals, given the risk of mishandling dangerous elements like oil, natural gas or electricity.

A general rule to remember is to avoid undertaking a job that needs a permit. Even with a permit, the risks involved in the task might suggest hiring an expert. For instance, Toronto Locksmith obtains permits, completes jobs swiftly and ensures no harm is done.


The cost of a project, if carried out solo or professionally, varies with the nature of the task; it’s essential to assess these costs beforehand. If you already own most of the necessary tools, or can loan or rent them, a DIY approach might be more economical as it cancels out contractor labor costs. However, if purchasing tools and materials is necessary, a comprehensive list and pricing of the items will be beneficial.

Comparing quotes from different professionals for the same project helps. Sometimes, it might be cheaper to hire a professional, considering the reduced cost of materials which professionals often procure at discounted rates. You could also save on labor costs by offering your assistance to the contractor.


People often neglect to consider the time investment before starting a home improvement project. Keeping in mind other responsibilities, some projects may get sidetracked and take longer than anticipated, leading to additional costs. If specific materials and tools are rented for a long period, the rental costs will rise.

Sometimes, the investment needed in terms of time is neither feasible nor cost-effective. Professionals may help save money in such circumstances. While DIY projects can be a fulfilling experience, not all home improvement tasks are suited for it. Every project should be carefully scrutinized based on time, skill level and cost implications to determine whether you should take it on or opt for professional help.

Have you undertaken any home improvement projects yourself? Were the results as per your expectations or do you wish you had hired a professional? Share your experience.