Review: Entrepreneurs Can Learn 8 Essential Lessons from Military Leadership – MaybeMoney

Review: Entrepreneurs Can Learn 8 Essential Lessons from Military Leadership

Review: Entrepreneurs Can Learn 8 Essential Lessons from Military Leadership

In his latest book titled “8 Lessons in Leadership”, Robert Kiyosaki shares insights garnered from his time at the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point and his service in the U.S Marine Corps. The engaging narrative comprises compelling stories and examples, along with comparisons between different cultures and value systems. His enigmatic, straightforward, and no-frills writing style is in full play as he discusses the challenges he encountered when transitioning to civilian life, where predefined roles and prioritizing the team above personal needs were oddly murky and distorted.

Robert T. Kiyosaki is acclaimed as the author of the all-time best-selling personal finance book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. This book has been instrumental in altering the financial perspective of millions worldwide. He is a celebrated entrepreneur and educator, co-creator of the CASHFLOW® board game, founder of the Rich Dad Company, a financial education enterprise, and author of several New York Times Bestsellers like ‘Conspiracy of The Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money’ and ‘Unfair Advantage’. His military stint kickstarted in 1965 when he got Congressional nominations to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. Post his graduation in 1969, he served as a helicopter gunship pilot in Vietnam for the U.S. Marine Corps and later plunged into entrepreneurship in 1974.

“8 Lessons in Military Leadership” encapsulates experiences of fellow veterans like Lieutenant General (Ret.) Jack Bergman of the United States Marine Corps and Robb LeCount, who transitioned from an Aviation Machinist Mate in the United States Navy to an entrepreneur. The book systematically aligns military leadership lessons with entrepreneurial strategies to help the readers conceptualize and launch their venture.

In the military, the commonly appreciated mantra is “Always Be Caring”, prioritizing mission, team, and self, in that order – a principle that’s as relevant in the business world as it is in the military.

Key takeaways from “8 Lessons in Leadership” include chapters on:

– Mission and Team
– Discipline
– Respect
– Authority
– Speed
– the Power of Connectivity
– Leaders as Teachers
– Sales and Leadership

It is an invaluable read for aspiring entrepreneurs and those currently serving or have previously served in the military, their potent experience enable them to resonate and implement these leadership lessons in their entrepreneurial journey.

In essence, this book is a must-read for anyone contemplating treading the entrepreneurial path.