Securing an Accountant for Bloggers – MaybeMoney

Securing an Accountant for Bloggers

Securing an Accountant for Bloggers

If you’re a blogger, many of you might recall penning down your passion and hoping that someone out there would read it. At the beginning, maybe your audience comprised mostly of your circle of family and friends. However, slowly but surely, thanks to your networking skills, your humble blog expanded. After a year or two, it could be that you started making a decent income from blogging. From a casual hobby or a casual pastime, it grew into your passion, bringing with it financial gains. When your blog, once a mere hobby, starts to grow and generate income, it brings a sense of accomplishment. Yet, an aspect that needs careful consideration at this point is understanding the tax implications. It’s crucial therefore, to hire an accountant who specializes in blogging finances.

Over the summer, when I sought out an accountant, one of them, after considering my then modest earnings, didn’t see potential for growth. She downplayed my blogging income’s tax implications. I found her attitude discouraging, especially since I was determined to grow my blogging activities. Thus, I decided against hiring her. Yet, finding the right accountant who wouldn’t view earning from blogging with skepticism proved challenging.

Then I attended a bloggers’ conference this summer, where I interacted with an accountant and a bookkeeper. They highlighted their successful experience working with a high-profile blogger and their understanding of blogging income. Encouraged, I decided to hire them and have been immensely satisfied with the decision. Here’s what to look for when you need to hire an accountant as a blogger:

Choose someone who comprehends the blogging landscape and realizes its income potential. You don’t want a skeptic who’s never read a blog or sees blogging as a fleeting trend.

Pick an accountant ready to brainstorm ways to boost your income. My bookkeeper reviewed all my records, identified the growth‐friendly areas in my business, and advised me to expand them. Unlike the first accountant, she understood the money‐making potential in blogging and online work, and is keen on fostering that growth.

Ensure that the accountant of your choice is available and responsive. You don’t want to wait for a week or more to hear back from him/her. A large (therefore busy) firm might not be the best option.

Many accountants do not yet fully appreciate the profitability of blogging and working online. Therefore, as bloggers, it’s of utmost importance to find a professional who not only comprehends your work, but also believes in your earning potential and is eager to foster your business growth.

Bloggers, have you found it challenging to find an accountant willing to work with you?
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