Securing the Best Deal on Your Next Refrigerator Purchase – MaybeMoney

Securing the Best Deal on Your Next Refrigerator Purchase

Securing the Best Deal on Your Next Refrigerator Purchase

Well, it was inevitable that we would eventually require a new refrigerator, and now, we’re on the hunt for the best available deal. Our existing fridge, purchased second-hand around two and a half years ago, only cost us $50. We found ourselves having to downsize our living arrangements drastically; transitioning from a one-bedroom apartment to a more quaint, yet unpretentious backyard guesthouse. Being just-started, penniless newlyweds, we managed to channel nearly all our financial resources into paying the deposit, making the $50 refrigerator the best we could afford at that moment.

Indeed, the fridge served us well and fit the bill perfectly, right from its space-efficient bottom freezer to its overall size. However, the sound it started emitting about a fortnight ago rang alarm bells, and we somewhat expected the disappointing sight of partially-defrosted food that greeted us upon opening the freezer.

In response, I was swift to gather the maximum amount of food possible and transport it to my parents’ home. The remaining refrigerated food, I sealed off in the freezer along with a hefty bag of ice, hoping it holds out until a replacement unit is procured.

My investigation into securing a new fridge provided some insightful tips that intend to guide our purchase while scoring us a satisfactory refrigerator deal.

– Online research: This helps us explore a wide variety of refrigerators beyond those physically present in a store.
– Price Comparison: Useful tools for such comparisons are online platforms. Moreover, certain apps like RedLaser and ShopSavvy facilitate scanning of an item’s barcode to uncover cheaper alternatives.
– Price Matching: Few stores provide this service. Retailers like Lowe’s go one step further by offering a competitor discount where they provide a markdown of 10% if you find the same product priced lower elsewhere. Refer to your local store’s policy for comprehensive details.
– Rebates: A lot of manufacturers and even service providers like electric companies provide rebates on specific refrigerator purchases. Our local power company encourages the purchase of energy-efficient fridges by offering rebate options.
– Assess your actual needs: Some consumers instinctively opt for the top-end models solely for the aesthetics. But, many features might be superfluous. Weigh the necessity before splashing extra cash on features like built-in water and ice dispensers, particularly if you hardly ever use ice.
– Size Consideration: Do you truly require an oversized fridge? A smaller unit will be more affordable and also lead to savings on your energy consumption.
– Opt for a discount card: If it grants you a substantial discount of 5-10%, it might be worthwhile getting a company’s credit card.

I hope these tips will help you find the best deal on your next refrigerator purchase!