Steps to Secure Your Ideal Internship – MaybeMoney

Steps to Secure Your Ideal Internship

Steps to Secure Your Ideal Internship

Securing an internship while in college is an invaluable stepping stone for every student. It provides you with your first taste of practical experience in your chosen field of study. Therefore, it is crucial to not just complete an internship before graduation but strive for one that also aligns with your career aspirations as many employers consider this as a prerequisite. My college journey involved two internships that equipped me with the requisite skills and exposure to secure my first professional job only two months post-graduation.

It’s not just about getting an internship but about acquiring impactful and meaningful experience. Sometimes, internships can pave the way for full-time job opportunities with the same company, which is why your choice of internship is paramount. You don’t want to end up doing menial tasks; rather aim for an enriching experience that aligns with your career objectives and aspirations. Landing an internship that matches your career dreams, challenges you, and possibly rewards you with remuneration or a stipend, is what you should aim for.

Here are a few insightful approaches to help you secure the internship of your dreams.

Instead of solely depending on online internship postings, create a comprehensive sketch of your ideal employer. Go beyond deciding the size and location of the company to including companies that share your values and ideals. Where possible, propose an internship program to your ideal organizations if not available.

Broaden your search beyond platforms like, notwithstanding its effectiveness. The world doesn’t end there!

Networking is an invaluable tool. It’s all about increasing your visibility by connecting with people as you never know when an opportunity might knock. The more your network understands your professional aspirations, the better positioned they are to recommend relevant opportunities.

Create a LinkedIn profile to establish digital connections and don’t shy away from crafting business cards for physical meetings. Attend conferences, college meet-ups, or other related events, to gradually gain confidence and expand your network. Former university professors or lecturers can also be a helpful point of contact as they can assist by referring potential opportunities.

Participation in job fairs or career expos, both on and off-campus, is another excellent way to get on the radar of companies offering internships.

With the fierce competition for internships, standing out from the crowd is essential. Your dream internship is likely someone else’s too, and there’ll be competition for the limited slots available.

There’s a myriad of ways to distinguish yourself from the competition. You could opt for professional resumé paper over regular printer paper or choose compelling resumé designs. You might also consider a video cover letter through SparkHire. This personalized approach helps to leave a distinctive, memorable impression on prospective employers.

Having your own portfolio, both online and in physical form, will give you an edge in the competition when applying for opportunities in specific fields, such as journalism, like in my case. A portfolio showcases your skills and achievements, especially when accompanied by testimonials or positive feedback about your work.

These are just suggestions. There are countless ways to distinguish yourself in order to secure your dream internship – just get inventive and don’t hesitate to take calculated risks.

Following up is crucial when applying for internships. After my careless attitude cost me an apprenticeship opportunity in downtown Chicago, I learned the hard way that neglecting to follow up after an interview can be detrimental.

Make it a habit to collect business cards during your interviews, and don’t forget to send a thank-you note or email to each person you interacted with not later than 3 days after the interview. Take notes during the interview and include fascinating details shared by the interviewer in your follow-up email.

Remember, the key to bagging your dream internship lies in your approach, and hence, adequate preparation and maintaining professionalism are cardinal. Share your dream internship or job and how you set yourself apart from the competition?