Stock Selections Are Influenced by Age – MaybeMoney

Stock Selections Are Influenced by Age

Stock Selections Are Influenced by Age

Did you know that the choices individuals make regarding stock investment depend significantly on their age? Apple tends to be a favorite among investors of all ages, but preference for other stocks seems to fluctuate across different generations.

Take Millennials, for instance. Those who fall into the age range of 25 to 34 tend to gravitate towards newer tech and internet companies, with Facebook (FB, Tech30) named as their second most preferable pick according to TD Ameritrade.

However, the trend is quite different among Baby Boomers who are 65 or over. Contrary to other age groups, Apple is not the top choice for this generation. Instead, they show preference for the likes of GE as their primary stock acquisition.

You can learn more about how stock preferences change with age by visiting CNN Money.