Strategies for Managing Work from Home While Juggling Childcare Responsibilities – MaybeMoney

Strategies for Managing Work from Home While Juggling Childcare Responsibilities

Strategies for Managing Work from Home While Juggling Childcare Responsibilities

Since the global outbreak of Coronavirus, family life has become increasingly complex. Wide-ranging transformations have occurred, from social distancing measures to closures of schools and workplaces. If you’re lucky, your new norm might consist of working remotely while also managing children at home.

As a working parent who also maintains a business, the presence of my son at home, while charming, brings its challenges. Not only do I need to maintain my career, but this year I’ve also embarked on the journey of homeschooling. The coming year will see many parents facing similar juggling acts, managing remote working alongside their children’s online education.

The recent months have posed immense learning opportunities. Here’s my approach on maintaining a work-life balance.

A well-structured timetable is a necessary tool to manage both work responsibilities and parental duties. Your routine doesn’t need to mirror others. Customize it according to your and your children’s needs. Key elements to schedule are wake-up times, activities, as well as breaks and leisure time. For example, rising early at around 6:30 am allows me to accomplish a task before my son awakes, which could be work-related or even some exercise.

Typically, my son’s day starts at 8 am, complete with breakfast and getting ready. School hours are from 9 am to approximately 12 pm, and I strategically schedule my work hours around these periods. Reflecting on your day and organizing tasks into a visible calendar can lead to a productive day. For instance, if you assign nap times for your kids between 1 pm to 3 pm daily, it opens a window for important meetings or uninterrupted work time.

Children are often more capable and independent than we realize. They absorb instructions and routines well, gaining more self-sufficiency each year. When schools closed in Spring, my son managed to complete and submit most of his assigned tasks, with only occasional guidance needed. This allowed me to achieve a balance while he worked on more accessible subjects. Younger children can also begin to do tasks independently, such as dressing themselves or eating meals when they are ready. Pre-organize clothes for the week and write a list of tasks that children can manage independently, freeing you for focused work, task batching, and breaks.

It’s important to ensure your colleagues understand your situation. Honesty about your availability can lead to accommodations in scheduling. Limit your availability for calls or responses to emails during times that interfere with your parental duties. The exact nature and flexibility of your working hours need to be communicated to set reasonable expectations.

Juggling responsibilities can be draining. It’s crucial to build in intervals and downtime into your schedule. Short neighborhood walks, a quick drive, or sending the children to bed early can create moments for relaxation.

If managing responsibilities becomes overwhelming, consider hiring help for a few hours a week. Alternately, you may want to share schedules with your partner, call on family help, or use sites like or to find reliable childcare. While not all options are accessible to everyone, the investment in additional support can prove worthwhile.

Maintaining a work-life balance alongside parenting duties is not an easy feat; however, it is the reality for many parents. Staying organized, adhering to routines, efficient communication, and creating opportunities for undisturbed work time will improve your processes over time. Remember, it’s okay to adjust your routines, work during unconventional hours, or seek professional help. Extend yourself some grace and work towards a balance that works best for you.