Strategies for Narrowing the Wage Gap to Enhance the Overall Economy – MaybeMoney

Strategies for Narrowing the Wage Gap to Enhance the Overall Economy

Strategies for Narrowing the Wage Gap to Enhance the Overall Economy

Many of us may not contemplate the wage disparity frequently, but it remains a significant factor impacting our everyday lives. In the current society, women earn approximately 81 cents for every dollar a man makes. It’s perplexing that women are still not earning as much as men, particularly since females started participating more in the full-time workforce around the 1980s. So, what initiatives can we undertake to shrink this gap and foster economic fairness?


Firstly, let’s discuss the persistent factors causing the wage gap. Essentially, they revolve around familial responsibilities like child-rearing and caring for aging parents.

In today’s world, raising children should be a collaborative effort. However, traditionally, the bulk of childcare responsibilities often fall upon the woman. When a child is ill or school is out, someone has to stay behind, and this duty usually falls on women, potentially affecting her income.

Unfortunately, some employers, assessing the childcare situation, might be reluctant to pay a woman equal to her male counterparts, assuming she might be absent more often. This continues to happen, despite laws against such discrimination.

Of course, it’s not always the case that women are the primary caregivers. There are many instances where men shouldered child-rearing responsibilities as their spouses had higher demanding careers. And the same goes for elderly parental care. While it’s generally assumed women will handle these duties, truly it should be a shared responsibility. Unfortunately, businesses do not always see it this way, leading to discriminatory practices.


Unstable working hours also play a big role in perpetuating the wage disparity. A higher number of female employees have jobs with irregular hours. These irregularities may be due to family obligations or limited educational resources guiding their career choices. Jobs with unstable hours often pay less and are found in sectors like retail, hospitality, restaurants, teaching, nursing.


The job market keeps evolving rapidly given the technology advancements. This shift alters the job scenario significantly with a reduction in roles. Those who have specialized in exclusive roles without diversifying their skills often find themselves out of place when their job becomes obsolete. Therefore, developing a diverse skill set can arm yourself for a future in a changing market.


As outlined, multiple factors contribute to the wage gap, indicating overcoming it will require substantial effort. The first step is a perspective shift.

Employers should see women as integral parts of a larger team rather than just individuals. Every family has female members who are potentially earning less than males doing the same job. This inequity means they’d have to work extra hours or secure side jobs to match the income of their male counterpart. The additional hours away from home put more responsibility on their partner, emphasizing the need for equity. Women contribute equally as men and should be paid fair wages.

Recently, there has been a positive change in mentality among a few major companies. Netflix, PayPal, DocuSign and Intel have implemented programs targeting women, emphasizing education and striving for a balanced and diverse workforce. They advocate equal pay for the same role to help reduce the wage gap.


Closing the wage gap might not be a swift process as wished. Numerous factors influence the wage gap which took time to formulate. However, diversifying our skills, expanding educational opportunities for underrepresented groups, and making more informed career choices that sidestep roles with irregular hours can help.

It’s crucial to appreciate that functional households rely on all its members. This certainly includes women. Regardless of whether there are children or elderly parents to be cared for, everyone in the family should contribute. All parties should be paid the rate their job demands, irrespective of gender or parental status. As soon as businesses acknowledge this and the potential for a more effective job market, we can move closer towards closing the wage gap permanently.

What are your thoughts on how best we can eradicate the wage gap for good?