Strategies for Securing Media Attention for Your Startup – MaybeMoney

Strategies for Securing Media Attention for Your Startup

Strategies for Securing Media Attention for Your Startup

Creating shareable content for social media indeed helps to attract brand advocates, yet the influence of conventional media channels should not be disregarded. Exposure on radio, television, and print media can notably kindle interest in your startup. It’s not as challenging as you might think, despite what some PR experts may suggest. However, there are certain aspects you should bear in mind while aiming to get coverage from your digital workspace.

Being a startup, bagging coverage in high-profile outlets like the New York Times or Today show can seem far-fetched. Therefore, start with your local media. It’s easier to develop strong media relationships within your community and gaining access to local reporters will be an easier task.

Journalists are not advocates—they probable won’t readily promote your new venture unless it is truly unique. Likely, you will need to craft a distinctive pitch to attract the interest of a reporter. They want engaging stories that resonate with a wide audience and are seasonally fitting. For instance, if your firm develops educational apps, pitch a story about how the technology boosts interest in STEM subjects during back-to-school season in July.

Reporters always seek knowledgeable sources. Therefore, make sure you establish your reputation as a seasoned expert who can provide useful insights when needed. Services like Help a Reporter Out can connect you with journalists needing insights on particular issues. Be ready to respond promptly if a reporter contacts you or else they might move on to the next person.

Keep an eye on national news trends; you can help your local media to give these wider trends a local perspective. For example, if your firm produces software for identity theft prevention and a national retailer suffers a major credit card security breach, leverage this situation to discuss how your software shields consumers.

Consider the variety of stories covered by your local media. For instance, the daily newspaper might not be interested in opening ceremonies, yet the local community paper might. Community papers, often free, are frequently found in restaurants or clinics. They typically cover a more diverse range of business events in hope of attracting future advertisers. When pursuing television coverage, make sure you offer a visually compelling narrative. An exciting visual aspect can intrigue the reporters, even if the news content is light.

Don’t just rely on social media campaigns. Traditional media coverage can be instrumental in propelling your startup from the digital world to the business aristocracy.