Strategies to Economize on Your Food Expenses This Year – MaybeMoney

Strategies to Economize on Your Food Expenses This Year

Strategies to Economize on Your Food Expenses This Year

During the winter months, the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables decreases, which often results in an increase in food costs. Despite fewer fresh options, it isn’t necessary to spend a fortune on feeding your family. I have discovered several effective ways to save on food expenses in winter. The recommended foods are affordable, tasty, and nutritious.

The first magic trick in cutting down food costs is to fully utilize what you have. In other words, reduce food wastage by being innovative with your leftover items. This doesn’t mean serving leftovers for consecutive days – we all know the kids will protest!

Rather, you can inventively utilize leftovers to create an entirely different meal. An excellent illustration of this is when I used my Multi Use Express Crock-pot to prepare a substantial pot of coconut rice. I adore this utensil for its ability to simplify my life! I initially used the rice to complement a pumpkin curry that I had prepared. However, as I usually cook a generous amount of rice, we had plenty of leftovers. Knowing that my children wouldn’t want the same dish on the succeeding night, I concocted a casserole from the rice that included black beans, pinto beans, spices, salsa, cheese, and sour cream. It was a major success!

The same strategy applies to pasta sauce. My children enjoy pasta night, but not every member of the family uses pasta sauce on their noodles. Thus, we don’t consume an entire jar of pasta sauce. Rather than letting it spoil in the refrigerator if we don’t consume it quickly enough, I use it as a base for my cassava pizza crusts. This allows me to utilize the entire jar within the ideal 7-day period and save money on pizza sauce.

No matter your approach, creativity with your leftovers will certainly contribute to feeding your family on a lower budget this winter, and it will also save you a considerable amount of time!

One excellent strategy to save on food expenses, not only during winter, but all year round, is to maintain a supply of staple foods. Staples can differ among households, depending on your preferred or traditional diet. Yet, in general, these foods are low-cost and can be extensively propagated. Moreover, they satiate you and your family, reducing the need for additional meals.

A few of the best staple foods that I consistently have include:
– Rice, preferably whole grain, for its fiber content that satiates you and slows down insulin absorption.
– Beans, especially those dried as they are economical and have a long shelf life.
– Potatoes, specifically Russet potatoes, are great for baking while smaller ones are suitable for oven potatoes or mashed potatoes.
– Pasta, one of the most economical food items with a wide range of applications.
– Vegetable broth, ideal for soups, rice, and casseroles flavoring.
– Canned tomatoes. If you can find them, fire-roasted tomatoes usually have the best flavor.
– Coconut water, a regular choice for preparing rice due to its flavor-enhancing properties and ability to keep the rice tender.
– Oats. We use Gluten-Free oats to make overnight oats or oat balls for the children’s breakfasts, which keeps them full for a long time!

Maintaining a stock of at least a few of these items will certainly extend your winter budget.

Winter is perfect for wholesome, warm soups and chili, and I find immense pleasure in both preparing and consuming them. Mostly, the entire family shares this sentiment. However, it’s challenging to please everyone all the time, so I strive to maintain some options in the freezer.

A winner for me is the vegetable soup, which I lovingly refer to as Kitchen Sink Vegetable Soup, as it includes all available vegetables except the kitchen sink! Its preparation involves tossing in vegetables, adding a can of my time-tested fire-roasted tomatoes and a quart box of low sodium vegetable broth. Add spices to your liking, and let it heat slowly for flavors to mix. The constantly changing vegetable and spice combination results in a unique soup each time, bringing delightful surprises to the family.

Another family favorite is vegetarian chili, the only chili approved by my daughter. It’s almost as straightforward to prepare as the soup. Toss a bag of Beyond Meat Feisty Grounds in the multi-use Crock-pot, followed by a can of fire-roasted tomatoes and 4 cups of mixed beans. I usually use a blend of black beans, kidney beans, and pinto beans. When you add bay leaves, chili spices, salt, pepper, and a quart of low sodium vegetable broth, let it simmer slowly. Approximately 25 minutes later, we have a steaming pot of delicious and nutritious chili!

These clever hacks will definitely help nourish your family without straining the budget this winter!

Feeding your family on a tighter budget during winter is certainly achievable, with minimal complaints! First, try to utilize everything you have to minimize waste and lower your overall grocery bill as there’s no need for excessive food purchases. Next, ensure that you have some staple foods in your pantry that can go a long way in filling up your family’s bellies.

Also, consider a variety of soups and chili recipes. Freeze any leftovers for future meals. Your family and your budget will thank you!

What are your favorite savings hacks for feeding your family less expensively in winter?